Please ask questions

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I am dedicating this chapter to Fangirl070

I forgot the disclaimer last time so here it is I am only saying it once so listen here uncle Rick owns the characters not me.

Percy: I am bored );
Annabeth: please ask questions so I don't have to deal with... This
Percy: HEY (baby seal face)
Piper: oh shush and as annabeth said please ask us
Leo: yea Percy shush
Piper: shut up repair boy
Leo: fine beauty queen
Piper: don't call me that (charm speak dripping from her voice)
Leo: (in a daze) ok
Jason: well that was fun but please...
Frank: Not yet I want to watch this
Hazel: frank be nice
Frank: fine hazel!!!
Leo and piper still arguing
Percy bored and doing random Percy stuff
Annabeth reading
Frank, hazel, Jason: please comment vote and read!!! BYE!!!!

As they said please comment vote and read it means a lot to me also sorry for it being not so good I am young so i am not very good.

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