Chapter Twenty-Five - Shock Me

Start from the beginning

"Alright!" Emaia snapped. "I don't care what you guys are saying, I need to speak with Aide, and that's final! I'll fight my way inside if I have to!"

Kai cocked a brow at her. "I admire your spirit, but the fact is, he's still unconscious. He won't be doing much talking."

It had been almost two hours since it had happened. Since he had performed magic. Questions were flying around amongst all the men, but all Emaia cared about was if he was okay. But Kai wouldn't let her see him.

Tessmia glanced at Kai again. "Just let her through, Mahbrah. She deserves to know."

Emaia blinked twice at Tessmia in confusion. "Know what?"

Kai sighed and ran a hand through his tousled black hair. "We promised him, Mahdrah. I can't betray him."

"Then let him tell her," Tessmia replied. "She's seen it, they all have."

Emaia waited while both Kai and Tessmia exchanged a look. Then, finally, Kai caved and stepped aside from the door he had been guarding with his life for the past two hours. "Fine. But please, Emaia, don't pressure him," He said and gave her a serious stare. "You have no idea what he's been through, what he's seen. If he doesn't want to talk about it, let him be. I won't hesitate to barge in if I hear you forcing him."

Emaia nodded gently and released a calming breath. "I won't ask him anything. I just need to see him, to know that he's okay."

Kai gave her a firm nod before he opened the door. Tessmia stepped aside too, giving her a soft smile as she walked in.

Emaia immediately saw Aide lying on a tall bed as the first thing when she came in. She faintly heard the door close behind her as she walked up to him. A bowl of warm water, along with a cloth, was standing by on his nightstand. Tessmia had been taking care of him these past two hours, but he still hadn't woken up. But right now, as Emaia gazed on his frail, unconscious body, she felt all the tension leave her body.

His face looked beautiful and relaxed with his dark black lashes resting against his cheekbones. His silver hair reflected softly in the light from a flickering candle, and the soft rise and fall of his chest let her know that he wasn't in pain. She released a sigh of relief.

What had happened between them earlier still played in the back of her mind, but like always, when something else happened – something bigger – it just didn't seem to matter anymore. There were so many sides of Aide that she didn't know about, and he had just revealed the biggest one yet. He knew magic.

Suddenly Aide started to stir. He pressed his lips together and a crease formed between his brows. He flexed his fingers.

Emaia felt her pulse rise. "Aide?"

By the sound of her voice, his eyes opened and he softly turned his head to her. His eyes met hers. "Emaia."

His voice was dry, and something in his eyes seemed wrong. The shiny crystals she usual loved gazing at, were clouded. It had that same traumatized look she remembered from the first time she looked at him, only now it wasn't something that loomed in the shadows; it was right there, up front, clearer than ever before.

"How are you feeling?" She carefully asked, as Aide slowly turned his head back and closed his eyes.

"Tired, but that's to be expected."

"Can I get you anything?"

"Emaia, we both know you're dying to ask, that's the only reason you're here. Based on what happened earlier, I highly doubt you're here to check if I'm okay."

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