Chapter 16 - Don't Wanna Be Torn

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Chapter 16 - Don't Wanna Be Torn

"Is something wrong, Samantha?" Mom asks me at the dinner table. There's only the two of us today, since Dad's working and Aaron is at soccer practice. Yeah, he actually plays soccer, and not only videogames. Shocking, right?

I've barely eaten all day. I'm way too busy trying to choose. And now I'm only picking at the chicken and rice on the plate in front of me, so I guess Mom is bound to notice. It is chicken after all, and I'm never tired of chicken! 

I shake my head at her and take a bite of the food, forcing it down my throat. 

"Samantha, I know you're lying."

I look up at her and realize she's serious. Her eyes worriedly scans my face and I know she won't relax before I tell her. 

I sigh a little. "It's just... These two boys -"

Mom squeals, interrupting me. She grins, "Oh darling, that's great! Sorry, but I really started to wonder if you were gay since you've never had a boyfriend." When she sees my shocked face, she quickly adds, "Not that I would've had anything against you being gay! So if you are, don't be afraid to tell me. I love you anyway. You might have a little problem with Dad though..." She trails off getting a thoughtful expression on her face. 

"Mom!" I snap her out of it. "I'm not gay! Jeez, stop jumping to conclusions!" 

She smiles apologetically. "Oh, right. Then what's the problem?"

I roll my eyes. "Well, as I said," I giver her a pointed look. "There is these two boys and both of them sort of like me, and I like them both. But I have to choose, and I have no idea how."

Mom smile a little, but now I can see she's serious. She puts her hand on top of mine. 

"Do they both make you happy?" 

I nod. 

"And both are decent, kind guys?" 

I nod again. 

"Then the only thing you need to do is listen to your heart. It's going to tell you what's right." 

Listen to my heart? It might sound wise, but it's definitely not easy. All it says right now is boom badoom, boom badoom, boom badoom. I don't speak heartish, so if those boom badoom sounds means Alex or Ian, I have no way to find out. 

"But - " I start, but am interrupted by Mom holding up a hand.

"I can't tell you how," she says. "You'll have to find out yourself, or you won't learn."

I sigh. I know she's right, but it still makes it a lot harder for me.

"You know," Mom suddenly says after a while of silence. "There was this boy before your father..." She trails off, lost in memories. Suddenly she snaps out of it and looks at me. "I'll make you a deal. You eat, I'll tell you about it."

"Deal." I say eagerly. I'm curious about what happened with that other dude, so I take a big bite of the chicken. I have to chew hard and slow, since the bite was almost too big for my mouth. 

Mom chuckles a little, then begins with her story,

"His name was Lucas. He was a real bad boy, with the motorcycle, leather jacket and that whole package. He had long, jet-black hair and green eyes. And his body... Oh, the way he held me with those muscular arms, and his mouth... It could do wonders and I'll never forget how he used to - " 

"Mom!" I yell, covering my ears. Way, way too much info. 

Mom chuckles again. "Sorry, hun. Anyway, we fell in love at once. He made me live more dangerously. I started wearing a lot of black. I started smoking and trying stuff... My family was very worried and so was my best friend. He was the complete opposite of Lucas. He was geeky, kind and slightly unpopular, but we had been best friends since childhood. One night I came home with alcohol breath and more eyeliner than eyes, and he was there waiting for me. You should've seen him. He stood in front of me with crossed arms and asked me where I had been."

Mom pause a little. "Then he surprised the heck out of me by telling me he was in love with me. He wanted me to break up with Lucas. I laughed at him because I thought then that Lucas was the one. My best friend ran home crying and I felt like crap."

Mom frowns. "That night I realized he loved me for me, while Lucas only loved what he thought was me. The next day I broke up with Lucas and got together with my best friend. He made me happier than I ever was with Lucas. And he still does every single day." Mom's smile is full of love. 

"Wait, Dad was the geeky best friend?" I ask shocked. 

Mom laughs and nods, "The geeky image ended eventually."

Then she turns serious again. "But my point is, if a boy isn't the best for you, no matter how much he might think he loves you, he's not the right one. If he loves you for the wonderful girl you are, he's worth everything you might go through."

She smiles at me, then takes our plates and begins to wash them. I stand up to help, but she shoves me toward the stairs. "I can do this myself. Now, if I'm not wrong, you have a choice to make." 

I laugh and say "Thank you", then I run upstairs and jump onto my bed. Mom can be silly sometimes, but she is really great to have. 

It was a lovely story, but when I think about it, I don't know how I'm supposed to use that story in my situation. I've only been on two dates with each of them, how could they know what's the real me or not? I think I've acted normally with both of them. Not that mom noticed any difference before after a while. 

I guess I just have to have a conversation with my heart and try to translate boom badoom boom boom. 


AN: Can you believe it? I uploaded with only a day apart! It has to be ages since I last did that! And I know it's short, but it's only a filler. The good stuff starts in next chapter ;-D 

The picture on the side is of Lucas from Mom's story by the way! I looove Ian Somerhalder, so I just had to have him in this story! He is sooo handsome! O.o

Today's song: Don't Wanna Be Torn - Miley Cyrus (It just fits, okay?)


xSongsLikeThisx aka Emily

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