"No," I hear Sam. "No, no, no. No. No, please no."

I stop my frantic search and see Sam over Sarah's unmoving body. The dread crushes me. He got away with it. He fucking got away with it. I'm breathing heavily now out of anger, out of frustration. She died right in front of us!

I have to lean against the torn bed to keep myself steady. My eyes can't remove themselves from Sarah's body. Sarah, who had lived thanks to the boys. Sarah, who, judging by the ring on her finger, was married. She probably had a child too. Crowley has no soul. He's a monster. A conniving monster. He shouldn't be King of Hell, he should rot there. My hands ball into fists, and I feel something digging into my palms.

"You want to keep those people alive. I want complete and utter surrender. The tablet, the trials—you'll give them up, or we'll keep doing this dance. Your choice, my darlings. Oh, and one more thing. I haven't forgotten our date, Maxi." I can practically hear Crowley smiling. "In fact...though you're way down on the list, you're being moved up a bit. Oh, yes, Maxi, it's coming. A few days from now. Until then, poppet. I look forward to our date."

The call disconnects, and I feel as though someone's paralyzed me. The only thing that makes me flinch is seeing a phone launched across my vision and hearing it break apart. I swallow the lump down as my eyes fall onto the bag amidst all the pieces of technology.

"Max," Dean says slowly. He sounds like he's in a tunnel. "Max." I flinch as he's in front of me. I can't meet his gaze right now. "What's Crowley talking about?"

I peek past Dean to see Sam, who looks absolutely distraught, probably more than Dean and I combined. From what I understand, Sammy took that bird's breath away. I feel a sharp pain in my heart. Sam probably loved her at one point in time, way back in the day.

I feel sick to my stomach.

"Y-you okay?" I ask Sam.

"What do you think?" He's not harsh with me.

"Look," Dean cuts in, "I know it's bad right now, okay, but we stick to the plan. We shut down Hell."

"How, exactly?"

"We get a demon—"

"How?" I croak. I clear my throat. "You heard Crowley. He's not gonna let one near us, and without a demon, all we can do is sit back and watch people you know, people you saved, die like Sarah."

"So what are you saying, Max?"

"She's saying...Maybe this isn't one we can win," Sam speaks for me. "Maybe we should just take the deal."

"We'll figure this out," Dean insists. "We will. Guys, we'll get it done. We'll kick it in the ass like we always do. Are you with me?"

I'm too stuck in shock to really answer. I'm lucky I spoke when I did. Oh, yes, Maxi, it's coming. A few days from now. Until then, poppet. I look forward to our date. I grab at my head with my free hand, feeling its thundering pulse.

"W-we need to clean this up," I say numbly, focusing on Sarah's body again. "Or at least call it in so the police can take care of her."

"I'll call it in." Dean steps out of the room.

I look at Sam. "I'm sorry, about her."

"She was married, had a baby turning a year old next month." He runs his hands through his hair. "Whoa, hey, hey." Sam trots to me, uncurling my other fist.

"Oh." I look down, seeing a nice red cut, with blood running along the lines on my palm, dripping on the floor. The shank is covered in red. "I-I didn't realize..."

"Uh, here." Sam runs to one of the bags and pulls out a cloth. He moves the blade away and begins to wrap it around the cut. "Just until we get it properly fixed at the bunker."


"What did Crowley mean, Max?"

I look Sam right in the eyes, and I want to confess right now. I don't think I can lie my way out of this when Crowley made it so plainly clear that I'm next on the kill list, but for a different reason. A reason the Winchesters should know about. You have to tell them now, there's no other choice.

"That's something you both should be in the room for," I say quietly. "When we get to the bunker."

Sam nods, and the silence deafens as Dean comes back into the room. Something's changed in him. He doesn't say a word, doesn't even meet our eyes as he grabs one of the bags and heads back out the door. I can feel the guilt creeping in. I tear off some skin on my lower lip, focusing on the bloodying cloth on my hand.

I know Crowley's words are stuck in his mind, about me. About how I've only got a few days left on Earth. How I've got a few days left to plan my escape and my survival. How I've got a few days to avoid becoming dog food.

Oh, yes, Maxi, it's coming. A few days from now. Until then, poppet. I look forward to our date.

**I remember Sarah. And loved her. And the fact she had a family and Crowley took it away broke my heart. I really think she would've been a decent addition to the hunting party if she'd really had the drive for it.

Sam and Sarah would've been the best couple...

On another heartbreaking note, now Max has absolutely no other choice but to tell the brothers now.

At last, you, like Sam and Dean, will understand why Max made a crossroads deal with Crowley.

But, that won't be until next chapter, dearies. Your patience will be rewarded. It always is.**

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