Chapter 8

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Peter's POV

'Ned! Get back here dude! I'm leaving. You've got to get behind the counter.'

I glanced at my watch. I was already pretty late. If I didn't get to Hannah's in 10 minutes I would have to deal with Jess's wrath. I chuckled to myself; she gets so cranky whenever I get late!

I made sure that Ned took my place behind the counter before leaving the store. I cursed myself for refusing my dad's offer of getting a car. It was tiring to have to walk around all day. Hannah's Book Store was only 10 minutes away by foot but the diner I worked in was a few blocks away from my place. I had to take the bus every day to get there, but even then it meant a long walk for me to get the bus.

I quickened my pace; I really didn't want to be late. When I turned into my street I saw a cab waiting outside the Stark House. The pavement was littered with bags and boxes which were being towed by the cab-driver in the trunk of the car. Phew, I thought, how could a single person travel with this much luggage?

'Finally! When will you learn to be punctual?' I cringed as heard Jess from inside the house, her voice disapproving. I pretended not to have heard her.

'Hey Hannah! My god, you look gorgeous.' Jess rolled her eyes at my remarks and I couldn't help but grin. Hannah was carrying yet another bag in her hand and at the same moment she was looking in the full wall mirror, adjusting her hair. I stood behind her taking her bag from her hand to ease out her fidgeting. 'Umm... what exactly do you have in all those bags? I asked in shock. 'It seems as if you are carrying dead bodies.' Hannah chuckled and smacked the top of my hand lightly. 'I assure you I plan nothing of this sort Peter. Was Ned at the store? Did you tell...?'

'Don't worry Hannah, everything is under control. Ned is a good guy.' I assured Hannah. Alene had now joined us in the living room. I could see her reflection in the mirror. I dared not turn back. I was feeling awful for making the 'dead bodies' comment to Hannah. The moment I had let those words out of my mouth I saw Alene become rigid, her face totally blank. I was never able to figure out what she was thinking, but I knew that my words had probably hurt her.

Finally, the last of Hannah's luggage was stowed in the cab and soon we were on the way to the airport. Jess kept ticking off things from a check-list after making sure that Hannah had remembered to pack them while Alene was unusually quiet.

I leaned back into the seat. I was extremely tired as I had not been able to sleep well for days. Every night when I would lie in bed, I was haunted by Alene's words. Her dreams. Her restlessness. Her agony. Everything kept me up all night thinking of how I could help her. She needed a closure. I won't let her lead a life where she'll be in danger every day.

I couldn't help but be happy to know that she feared losing me. This showed that I meant something to her. I suppressed a smile. I knew this was extremely selfish of me.

It took us about half an hour to get to the airport. I dismounted from the car and went to get a luggage trolley for Hannah. Dumping all her stuff on it, I steered it inside, the three women close at my heel. The rituals before the flight were exhausting. It took us almost an hour to get through most of the customs. Hannah hugged all three of us before she walked through the security check. 'Be good.' She whispered.

The three of us walked out of the large building and flagged another cab. No one said anything on our way home. Back inside Hannah's living room, Alene and I sagged into armchairs while Jess glared at us. 'You owe me some answers.'

'A moment please? To relax?' I asked already expecting the answer I got. She shook her head firmly. 'I'll bring us some snacks and then we'll talk.'

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