"Into the mines!" I heard Grandfather yell.

Everyone quickly ran for the mine and I was still in Legolas' arms, as everyone was in I looked in Legolas' eyes and I blushed but he put me down and I said "Thank you." 

"Here at your service M'lady." he said as he bowed. 

"Ella don't scare me like that." grandfather said as he pulled me in a quick embrace.

The gate closed on us which means we are stuck here unless there was another way. "Well we now have but one choice, we must face the long dark of Moria be on your guard there are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world... Quietly now it's a four day journey to the other side let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed." Grandfather said as he lead us through the darkness of Moria.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels but mithril." Grandfather leaned forward and looked down the edge.

Everyone else did the same as Grandfather made his staff grow brighter, lighting up the caves pits. As he did the bottom glowed brightly. He quickly took his staff back and continued to walk.

"Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him." Grandfather said.

"Oh! That was a kingly gift!" Gimli said next.

"Yes, I never told him but it's worth was greater than the value of the Shire." Grandfather said causing Frodo to look at him with with disbelieving eyes.

A day has passed and we found ourselves walking up steep stairs. It all ended however when Grandfather confronted three doors. I saw the puzzled look play at Grandfather's face until it finally went blank.

"I have no memory of this place." Grandfather said.

It was then decided that we would take a break until he could remember the way.

I sat down and wondered how my family was doing back on earth, I sighed and Gimli came near me and asked "What's wrong beautiful lassie?" 

He made me giggled and I said "Nothing, actually just missing my parents and sister." 

"You have a sister?" Merry and Pippin asked in union.

I giggled again and said "Yes, she's shorter than me and she has brown hair with tan skin with hazel eyes, and she's really into guys. Her name is Ally." 

"Yeah, the annoying little thing she is. A practical naughty girl she is" grandfather said. Grandfather never got along well with Ally considering she would insult his stories and call him a sham of an old man, boy was she wrong.

I chuckled and said "Yeah she was annoying and very mean but she is my sister." 

"She's the complete opposite of Ella. You can't compare apples and coconuts." grandfather said to everyone since everyone was interested in my sister.

Then suddenly "Ah! It's that way!" Grandfather said.

"He's remembered!" Merry said as he stood up and made his way towards the middle door.

"No but the air doesn't smell so foul down here if in doubt Meriadoc always follow your nose." Grandfather said as he walked through the middle door. I chuckled and remembered the first time grandfather told me to always follow my nose.

"Let me risk a little more light." Grandfather said as he made his staff glow brighter.

We soon was all in a room which gave me the goosebumps.

"Behold the great realm of the Dwarf City of Dwarrowdelf." Grandfather exclaimed.

"There's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam said.

I cry Just a Little [Legolas FanFic] (WattyAwards 2013 Finalist)Where stories live. Discover now