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a u t h o r ' s . n o t e .

Hey lovelies! Here is the prologue of Lucky Girl. I know I said that this would be taking a backseat but I felt inspired enough to write the prologue today so I decided I'll post it :-)

I hope you guys will like this story, I personally quite like it already. It starts off pretty boring but this prologue is the setting to everything. I think you guys would enjoy chapter one ;-) Which by the way, has also been written so ..... wink.

This novella contains swearing, sex and lots of inappropriate stuff, so if you're not comfortable then I suggest you stop here.

Anyway, I hope you like this fanfiction as much as I do <3

Remember to vote & comment because that means a lot to me!


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p r o l o g u e

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LUCY ALWAYS HATED how her hair looked too flat in the morning, like some sort of a pancake. Except pancakes actually looked good when you're about to eat them, but Lucy's hair doesn't.

Lucy brushed her hair before putting it into a bun, because her hair looked the least ugly when it was in a bun.

Fifteen minutes later, Lucy Heartfilia was dressed in her usual outfit, a Lucky Girl shirt and shorts, along with sneakers.

Lucky Girl was beautiful while Lucy wasn't, she thought, because Lucky Girl had all the confidence in the world and wore beautiful clothing while Lucy stuck to her t-shirts and shorts.

Then again, Lucky Girl was a superhero and Lucy Heartfilia was not. Lucy Heartfilia was just a normal girl living in a small apartment who loved to take bubble baths and loved eating strawberries.

Lucy left her apartment, strolling along the streets with a bagel from the nearby bakery in hand. Lucy loved taking morning walks even if she wasn't particularly a morning person.

It just so happened that Lucy's phone had to ring at that particular moment, when she was enjoying the busy scene of the city and devouring her burger.

"Hello?" she answered, mouth full of bagel.

"Lucy! Hurry up and get to work! You're half an hour late already."

It was her manager, from the Starbucks that Lucy worked at.

Lucy frowned, "But my shift doesn't start till three. I work afternoons on Wednesdays, right?"

Her manager made a clucking noise, "Normally yes, but it says here on the roster that you have a morning shift today!"

"Wait, I do?"

"Yes, and Aimee is taking your afternoon shift."

Shit. Aimee.

"I'm currently-"

"I don't care, hurry the fuck up and get here or else you're fired, Lucy."

Her manager cut the call and Lucy let out a string of swear words.

So much for her morning walk.

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Lucy hated how she was always such a pushover, because it meant that she ended up doing things that she didn't want to do in the first place. Things such as sacrificing her morning walk for a morning shift at Starbucks.

She had forgotten that Aimee, her co-worker, had basically pressured her into swapping shifts a week ago, and now she had a very, very, angry manager.

"Please Lucy! I have a date. You're a really wonderful person, please!"

That wasn't what Aimee was saying before that, before she needed Lucy's help, Lucy was in her words: a slut, an attention seeker, a nerd.

It was ridiculous.

"Uh I-"


Somehow, Lucy ended up agreeing because Aimee wouldn't let up on her bugging and the customer was getting annoyed.

Lucy sighed, putting on her apron and nametag.

She got to the counter and took over the empty spot, switching the 'Counter Closed' sign to 'Open'.

"Next please," she called.

A pretty girl with curly blonde hair and thick eyeliner came to her, dressed in a pink dress. Her perfectly manicured nails tapped impatiently on the counter.

"I want a pumpkin spice latte that's exactly 100 degrees celcius hot and with some chocolate sprinkled at the top. Oh, and please use organic milk and low-fat cream and are your pumpkins fresh? Oh, and what is up with your hair? It looks hideous, who are you trying to impress?" the girl rattled off, her lips curling into a smirk.

"Um, sorry Miss but we don't serve that. Pumpkin spice latte only comes in 70 degrees-"

"I. Don't. Care." the girl smiled, leaning forward till Lucy could smell her Victoria Secret perfume. "I want my pumpkin spice latte exactly how I described or else I want to see your manager!"

"But Miss, it's not-"

"Not possible? Were you going to say that? Nothing is impossible, did your parents not teach you that?" she smirked, "I was going to give you a fifty as a tip, since you looked like you obviously needed it and I am such a generous person, but I guess you don't deserve it at all! Call your manager please."

"Miss, but-"

"Call your manager right now!"

This was how Lucy found herself being fired on a Wednesday morning, all because some blonde bitch decided she had to make Lucy's life a living hell.

Lucy's eyes prickled with tears as she made her way home. It was raining and it didn't occur to her to bring along an umbrella in the morning. Normally, Lucy loved walking home after work but today she was angry.

Why can't I be a stronger person? If only I were like Lucky Girl, I wouldn't be like that. Lucky Girl is beautiful, Lucy thinks bitterly. Lucky Girl would never let some blonde trample over her like that. Lucky Girl would have handled it in a cooler manner. Everyone loves Lucky Girl.

Lucy didn't take note of where she was walking. Her thoughts were filled with the superheroine that she idolized, full of pity for herself and how much she would love to be Lucky Girl.

I wish I was Lucky Girl. I want to be Lucky Girl. I wish I was Lucky Girl, I wish-

"Miss! Watch out!"

Lucy turned her head just in time to see the bright lights of a oncoming truck.

A split second and it was all dark. She felt like her body was being torn apart and her soul being ripped out.

A split second of pain.

Then it was dark.

Dark, empty, darkness.

Lucky Girl [ a Fairy Tail Natsu x Lucy (NALU) fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now