Winter Themed AU#1

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// looking back at my old oneshots and screaming abt how awful these are yipe

((It is Summer here. It is hot. My flesh is melting off my bones. I need something cold. Meanwhile...))

"You walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you" AU

Scott pushed the front door of the coffee shop open, shivering. It was cold. It was mind-numbingly, freezing cold and the shop had no heater. What kind of place was this!?

Pulling his coat further around himself, he walked up to the counter.

"Hello," the cashier said cheerily. "You look like you could do with something warm."

"Y-You think?" Scott asked, shaking the snow off of his dark hair.

"What can I get for you?" The cashier asked.

"I-I'll have a hot chocolate. Please," Scott said.

"That'll be $5, please," the cashier smiled warmly.

Five dollars for a hot chocolate! Scott sighed. He wasn't walking all the way back in the snow without a warm drink, and that was final. He stuck his hand in his coat pocket-

-except his coat didn't have a pocket.

"Oh, no..." Scott checked in his back pockets. No wallet. "No way... I left my wallet at home..."

The cashier's smile faded. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to move on... we have other people waiting..."

"No, wait... I have to have some change somewhere..." Scott insisted, but it was no use. He sighed again. "Alright..."

He walked off and sat in a chair by the window. He better wait until the snow died down a little before he went back out or he'd be frozen solid. Groaning, he rested his head on the table. Why did this always seem to happen to him?

He looked up in surprise when somebody sat in the chair opposite him and placed a hot chocolate down on the table.

 "I hear you left your wallet at home. Drink it before it gets cold." So saying, Vincent casually took a sip of his own hot chocolate.

Scott, eyes wide in surprise, looked down at the warm drink and back up at the man who, he realised with a slight shock, was completely purple. "Y-You... you really... this is for me?"

Vincent nodded and put his drink down. "It's a cold night. You walked all this way in a blizzard, which I have to admire you for. If I was the cashier I would have given you one for free anyway. Consider it an early Christmas gift."

Scott smiled gratefully. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." He took a sip. The delicious hot liquid warmed his insides,

But it was nothing compared to the warm feeling in his heart.

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