The Pack

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Ugh Chem Lab is so boring, the only thing I can think about is how so many people in my school aren't human. I raise my hand into the air and once the teacher points at me I ask "May I go to the bathroom?" He nods his head so I get up out of my chair and walk out of the room. I walk down the hall, not paying attention to where I'm going and then bam, I'm on the floor. I sigh and then say "I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I look up to see Isaac Lahey holding his hand out for me to grab. I take his hand and he pulls me up, smiling brightly. "No it's ok haha just pay attention next time, you might run into someone that's not as friendly as me." He says winking at me. I smile and ask "How come I hardly see you around school?" He then bites his lip and says "Well, I've been kinda.. Sick lately?" The way he says it sounds like a question so I know he's lying. I scrunch my nose and tell him "FYI, you don't need to lie to me, I already know that you're a werewolf.." I then flash my golden eyes at him and he gasps "You're a werewolf too? Damn, how many werewolves go to this school?!" I laugh and answer him "Clearly, more than you think. I already know about everyone in Scott's Pack. I am hopefully the newest edition!" He grins and says "I hope so, you will definitely kick ass! Anyways Danica I have to go but have fun bumping into people!" He then walks away humming and I smile shaking my head. I turn around and walk back into my classroom when the bell rings right then. Next thing I know it's lunch and I'm walking to the cafeteria. I sit down with my tray and wait for the others to arrive. One by one they all came. Stiles, Scott and Allison first closely followed by Lydia and Jackson. After that was Isaac, Boyd and Erica and finally the twins. After everyone is seated Scott clears his throat and says that he has something to tell them. He grins and sets his eyes on me before announcing "Everybody I'm sure some of you know that this is Danica but, I'm sure most of you don't know that she is a werewolf. And, not just any werewolf... But she is Derek's sister!" Everyone at the table swivels their head towards me besides Scott, Stiles and Isaac, who already knew. I flash a small smile and say "Hey everyone." Most of them smile back and say hello, but Lydia and Erica are both quite surprised. I take a bite of my apple and ask "So, I am a member of your pack right Scott?" Scott smiles at me and says "Of course. And I'm sure you will kick some ass when needed!" I smile and glance at Isaac who is smiling at me too. Eventually the bell goes signalling that lunch is over so I get up and say my goodbyes before walking in the direction of my art class. I get to my seat and sit at my blank canvas thinking of something to inspire me. I paint a blue, grey and black background; mixing it well. I then paint three sets of red eyes, four sets of golden eyes, two sets of hazel eyes and a set of dark brown eyes. I smile at the painting, representing my newest family members and myself, all together in harmony. I got up from my stool and stepped back a bit to get a different view of the painting and I grin, proud of the work I've done. A couple of periods later and the school day is over so I collect my things from my locker and make my way to Stiles' jeep. I wait for him to show up and once he does he tries to act cool by sliding across the front of his jeep but he fails, making me laugh and making him blush in embarrassment. I then get in the car and once we begin driving he asks "So, has this day been crazy or what?" And I answered him with "Hell yeah it has!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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