"Talk White"

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They told me I talked white because I pronounce every syllable.

They told me I talked white because I use big words that no one around me understands.

They told me I talk white because I never use slang.

They told me I talk white because I don't use my hands for emphasis while speaking.

They told me I talk white because I don't roll my neck and eyes while saying simple phrases.

They told me I talk white because I don't have an attitude.

The told me i'm a white girl in a black girl's body.

You know what I wish I said to them?

Is it bad that i'm literate? Is it bad that I have an extensive vocabulary? Is it bad that I don't use inappropriate language at school or businesses? Is it bad that i'm not waving my hands all over the place as if i'm upset and ready to fight? Is it bad that i'm not being rude while speaking? Is it bad that I actually had a good day today so I couldn't possibly have an attitude? Why does all of those things automatically make me white? Why is all of these things positive characteristics that apparently black people can't have? Why before even getting to know me, you make it out in your mind that i'm loud, ratchet, dumb and angry? Why is this the only stereotype referred to black women?

But sadly , instead I hushed. I let the tears well up in my eyes as I was rejected by my own family, my own friends, and my own black community. All because I talked white.

If you've ever felt this way, this is for you.

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