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Ciel's POV
The teacher looked at me and I couldn't believe what I saw, he was, and I hate to admit it but, he was the most attractive guy ever.

My heart pounded in my chest, omigod he was so cute, soon after looking down at my English book I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw a boy with dark blue hair and light blue eyes, "Ciel, do you have a pen I could borrow" the boy asked, I had never seen him in this class before, I turned around and grabbed a one of my pens, I turned around and gave him the pen, he smiled and I noticed he had two sharp teeth where the incisors are located and he had two sharp teeth on the bottom row, his teeth reminds me of dogs or cats, mainly because the canines were sharper then they should be.

"Sorry, how rude, I'm Rin, Rin Okumara" he said extending a hand for me to shake, I obliged and then asked when he started learning at this school and he just said, "I've been studying in the arts of the supernatural, but I started loosing interest so I moved houses and started doing classes here about, three days ago" I nodded, that made sense, he started studying at this school on Friday, I was at a concert for Breach For Impact.

The bell went and I started heading out of class when all of a sudden it felt something hit me on the head.

It was all black and I felt something warm ooze from my head.

Sebastian's POV
I grabbed all my stuff and looked up at the emptying class when I saw something horrifying, I saw Ciel on the floor bleeding from his head.

I ran over to him and checked his pulse, nothing, I checked his breathing just in case, nothing.

I rang the ambulance and they came quick, assuming I was a relative they told me to get in the ambulance with him.

I sat there starting at him as his chest didn't rise and fall, as his eyes didn't open or even flicker.

Why did I care about him, I only met him today, but yet, was he something more to me then that, had we met in a past life.

I closed my eyes for a moment and tempered my dreams, those dreams of me being in love with a handsome 19 year old, I open my eyes and realised, this boy looked exactly like him.

The only difference was that the boy in my dream had an eyepatch and a magenta eye.

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