1. "Mr. Kidnapper please take me home."

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The air was thick and humid, the night it all started. I remember that the clearest. My room had grown overly stuffy and being the intolerant person I am, I decided to take a short walk outside rather than dying of dehydration and humidity in my small stuffy bedroom. Slipping on my slippers, I made my way out of my home and out of the main gate.

Inside was hot however outside the house was warm and there was a light breeze in the air. The weather was perfect for a late walk. So I took a short trip to the park close by my house. There I had sat down on the swings for a while and daydreamed aimlessly. Thinking of nothing in particular and more so enjoying where I was and the calming effect of the atmosphere I was in. Everything was blissfully perfect.

I sat there for what felt like a good hour before deciding to finally go back home. I walked back slowly, savouring the blissful weather and daydreaming once more.

A heavily rushed stampede of footsteps then had altered my bubble of bliss and before I could regain awareness of my situation I was pushed to the ground, hard.

It felt like time had frozen. I just sat stiff on the ground with my mouth hanging open. Flashing lights were everywhere and the noise of the rushed feet rang constantly louder in my ears before a hurried voice amongst the noise came into focus.

"Get up! Quickly!" A frantic voice rung close by my ear but I was still in too much shock to acknowledge it.

The voice kept focussing then unfocussing repeatedly. I kept catching words like "Up" and "Quickly" being shouted at me in Chinese. The owner of the frantic voice was growing impatient and kept shouting at me to get up.

I could briefly feel the sensation of being lifted into someones arms, followed by the rushed movement of running. Whoever was carrying me kept bouncing up and down, making my head spin. Along with beginning to feel nauseous and lightheaded by all the movement, the constant flashing of lights was also blinding me. I shut my eyes and tried to control my rapid breathing as I was carried wherever.

Slowly, I regained full conscience and the flashing had stopped. I opened my eyes carefully and finally became fully aware of my surroundings. Looking up I saw the bottom of a chin and adjusted in my carriers arms so I could see their face.

I felt my eyes widen as i finally registered where I was. I was in the arms of a guy!

This was the moment I chose to freak out. I began blindly slapping and punching the person carrying me and proceeded to shout help to anyone who would listen.

The guy stopped running and looked down at me squirming in his arms in shock. He then did the unthinkable! In one swift movement he quickly dropped me onto the ground and stepped back. My butt connected with the floor and i instantly felt pain.

"Ow!" I complained, rubbing my sore butt while looking up angrily at the guy.

"What was that for?!" I asked,angry at his lack of care for my injury and his part in it.

He ignored my question and instead whipped out his phone to make a call. He walked away from me and started shouting down the phone with whoever.

"Yah!" I had screamed after him as he had walked away.

After a few minutes on the phone, he returned to where I sat awkwardly rubbing my butt on the floor.

"Listen pervert, I don't know what the hell you want with me or what on earth your going to do to me but I swear if you lay another finger on me, I'll scream as loud as I can and report you for attempted rape and kidnapping" I warned angrily.

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