Chapter 6

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Thank goodness! I say to myself. Jason managed to lie smoothly through his teeth and if he sounded so convincing to me, I'm certain he sounded convincing to Miss Green. Although she still looked a tad suspicious, she seemed satisfied with his explanation.

I don't blame her for her suspicion. She has every right to be suspicious after so many books were stolen from the library- which resulted in her facing the consequences.

After handing me the book which contains the information that I don't need, she turns back to her computer and types away merrily as if she wasn't disturbed to begin with.

After setting the useless book down and taking a seat, I check my phone. We have half an hour before the library closes and it seems to me as if we'll be going home without the Manuscript today. All those hours of pretence- gone to waste.

Nearly 4 hours of doing fake research and coming up with a deliciously risky plan, we will be leaving the University premises without the one thing we are in dire need of.

Jason insisted that we continue 'working' to avoid making her more suspicious of us and then we'd leave. We have the weekend to make a solid, fool-proof plan to get the book out next week, he explained in defeat.

I can't help but stare at Jason sideways throughout the half an hour that we continue our pretence. He's sitting very straight in his chair and he looks extremely uncomfortable. Only his neck is bent over as he examines the notes I've been making and I can't help but feel sorry for his neck, which is surely being tortured.

Either his back is sore or he finds the posture oddly comfortable I- don't know, but his posture is very strange. I open my mouth to ask him what's wrong when suddenly an idea comes to mind which leaves me feeling breathless.

My breathing hitches and my heart rate picks up, the hope and excitement that is rapidly building up in me threatens to spill.

Could it be that he...? No way! No freaking way! There is no way that he's done what I think he's done!

I'm still staring at him curiously when he looks up to meet my gaze, something glints in his eyes for a split second and before I can grab at it, it's gone. The nerves and stress is back on his face in an instant and my shoulders slump in disappointment. I don't think he did what I think he did.

I look back at the book in front of me and try my hardest to at least read what's on the page but while I'm reading, I'm watching Jason from the corner of my eye.

He yawns and stretches his arms. He then freezes as his arms are suspended mid-air and cautiously lowers them and holds them close to his torso.

Finding this sudden change in behaviour very curious, I turn to look at him again. Once again, he looks at me with a sad, hopeless face but his eyes... I can't figure out wha-There! I caught the emotion that flickered across his eyes for a moment and I scrunch my face up in confusion.

Why would his eyes betray mischief when his face is laced with worry? I am so confused as I stare at him and he stares right back. It's almost as if he's trying to tell me something through a mind link but I can't figure out what he's trying to say.

I avert my gaze back to the book in front of me and I can still, from the side of my eyes, see him staring at me. Then it dawns on me...

My eyes and mouth widen simultaneously and I slowly turn to look at him. His eyes are definitely filled with mischief and his mouth twitches ever so slightly. So slightly that I almost miss it, in fact.

Oh no he didn't...I stare at him in disbelief, shock and relief all at once. Recognition crosses his features when I realise that I was right! My hunch was right! The sly dog! I can't believe it and I'm still staring at him, dumbstruck, when suddenly he's showing off a full-blown grin which he's unsuccessfully trying to hide. That isn't any ordinary grin, it's a grin of triumph!

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