Chapter 4

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Jason and I half speed walk, half run after Mr Whyte to try and keep up with him. Just 3 minutes ago, we were discussing the prophecy and Jason's big secret.

I still can't believe all the things he's told me. How on earth is it even possible? I mean, sure I've had some crazy dreams, but talking in my sleep? Giving him information about the manuscript? Nonsense!

It's ironic. I didn't even know that the manuscript existed until the other day and yet I gave him specific details about it in my sleep.

After jogging down 3 long hallways, we finally reach our destination. A lecture room. It's the room where my shoulder brushed his. The same room where I remembered a part of my dream. The prophecy.

So he wants to discuss something urgently with us in a lecture room? I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous.
I can feel my palms beginning to get clammy with sweat and I can see Jason twisting his fingers, nervously.

We enter the room behind Mr Whyte and I notice that Miss De Lange is there as well. If Mr Whyte wants to discuss the prophecy that he overheard earlier, then why is Miss De Lange here? Before I start drawing conclusions, she speaks.

'You two are probably wondering why I sent Nicholas to come and find you right?', she asks us with a warm smile.

Jason and I nod.

'Well, there's no need to worry. You're not in trouble'. At that I relax and I can see, from the corner of my eye, that Jason's shoulders visibly relax too.

'I actually wanted to ask you two, if it's possible, if you could lead the next lecture. I'm not trying to be nasty or anything. It's just that Nicholas and I couldn't help but notice that you two have been doing exceptionally well in your practical and theory tests. You seem to know what you're doing.' She smiles so enthusiastically, that her dimples become visible in her cheeks.

Then he decides to speak up. 'Of course, you're welcome to decline, we aren't imposing anything on you. But before you say no, just think about it. Let me or Miss De Lange know as soon as you reach a decision'.

Jason and I stand quietly for a few moments trying to process what was just told to us. So it's not about the prophecy? Phew! Thank goodness! Could this mean that Mr Whyte didn't hear anything? I sure has heck hope so.

Then Jay clears his throat and speaks for both of us. 'Sure Ma'am and Sir. We don't mind lecturing at all. But when are we scheduled to do this?', he asks.

Miss De Lange looks at what appears to be a timetable on her desk before answering. 'Tomorrow,4th period. Will that be okay with you?'

I nod and Jason answers.

'Yes, it's okay. Thank you'.

'No. Thank you. We didn't know what your response will be and we're glad you agreed', Mr Whyte says while looking right at me.

I look away.

'Then you may leave. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow', Mr Whyte says slowly, dangerously. He looks forward to seeing us? I can't say I feel the same about seeing him.

As soon as Jason and I are done in the lecture room, we head to the cafeteria.

I smile in relief and notice that he has a broad smile on his face too. 'Well, that went better than I thought', I say while digging in my back pocket for money.

'Well? Are you kidding me? I thought we were going to get locked up and whipped for the sins we committed in our past lives', Jason says while laughing.

'Well we didn't, so calm down. Go sit, I'll be with you in a second', I say and chuckle at his interesting imagination.

Then I turn to the waiter. 'Hello. Can I have one Coke, one Pepsi and two packets of Doritos please?'

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