Chapter 14

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"Did you talk to him?" Asked Tony but you only ignored him and walked past him
"So that's a no?" He asked and you glared at him
"Tony I'm not in the mood to talk, " you said and he sighed
"He won't help us, Tony, he doesn't care he's so blind with the gold he doesn't care about what will happen next," you said and sat down on a rock
"What did you expect from Thorin," he said and you sighed
"I just thought that he might change his mind and think about what will happen," you said and stood up when you saw Thor walking towards you
"Smaug is dead the people are making their way to Dale," he said
"Let's go to Dale," said Tony and you made your way to Dale. You took one last look and with each step, you felt your heart sinking deeper
" We should hurry and make that place a little bit better for the Laketown people," said Tony and flew over
"Do you want a ride?" Asked Thor
"No I'll walk I need to think for a minute," you said and Thor threw Mjolnir and flew to Dale as well.
"You shouldn't walk on your own in a place like this you know. The orcs might attack you" you turned your head to the side and saw Loki standing next to you
"What do you want?" You asked
"Don't be rude I'm trying to make a conversation here and I saw that you're down so I thought it would be nice if I talked with you my dear friend" he said and you glared at him. Can't he be serious for a minute? It's like everything is a game for him
"Since when am I your friend?" You asked
"Since the time Thranduil told me to help him and trick you," he said and smirked at you
"What? What did he say?" You asked the anger started to rise inside you and your fingertips started to get hotter
"Oh he just wanted me to open a gate inside Erebor so he can take as many gold as he could and of course claim those gems and then say that you opened the gate and instead of believing you Thorin will lose his mind and do the first thing that will come to his mind which is kill you and if he hurt you The Avengers will not leave him alone especially Tony and the war will be a mess Thorin will fight the orcs and the elves and then he'll face the Avengers on his own. Sounds like a good plan no?" He said with a smirk on his face
"And you agreed?" You asked
"I did and I did not. I agreed that I will give him his gems back but I won't blame it on you because you don't deserve that, I know you hate me but I'm trying to be nice to you all" he said and you were speechless. He wants to help you.
"I don't know shat to do hug you or go to Thranduil and kill him," you said and he laughed loudly
"We can kill him later we need to go to Dale now," he said and walked in front of you

"You shouldn't jump out of the boat without telling us," said Clint as they walked with few of Laketown's people
"I had to help my father," said Bain
"Enough we need to find shelter," said Steve as he helped the people stand on their feet
" can't these people walk faster," said Clint and Natasha glared at him
"Smaug has just attacked their Town what do you think they'll be The Maze Runners?" Said Natasha and Bruce chuckled
"What's going on in there?" Asked Sigrid as she pointed at the mountain
"We don't know but we hope nothing bad will happen," said Clint
"This is what we'll do we'll take a boat and go to the mountain but first we need to find a boat," said Natasha
" Leave that to me," said Bard

After walking for a while they stopped and the people were trying to stay warm. Natasha, Steve, and Bruce gave the elders and children some blankets and Clint was making fire but he noticed something
"HEY!" He yelled, "HEY YOU!" He saw Alfrid trying to run away by walking between the people hiding from everyone. He ran towards Alfrid and held him by the collar "you thought you could run away, didn't you? well come here" he said and dragged Alfrid and threw him on the floor while all the people stood around him
"What do you want from me?" Asked Alfrid
"Instead of helping the people you and your master tried to run away what kind of cowards are you??" Said Clint and Alfrid stood up
"I am not a coward," said Alfrid and the people laughed at him
"Oh yeah?" "Prove it then" "fight my eight years old son I'm sure you can survive for two minutes"
"Nobody liked you and nobody respected you, and now you proved that they're right. You never help them and you only think about yourself and now you want them to accept you?" said Bruce
"I talked to him!! I told him what about the elders? What about the children? They're our people let's save them but he left me and threw me in the ice-cold water" said Alfrid but he was pushed by the people in all the directions
"Stop saying that it is not true," said Bain
"Leave him alone a lion would never answer a dog," said Steve and Alfrid glared at him
"Would you bite a dog that bit you?" Asked Natasha and Alfrid walked pass her
"Just wait someday I will make you all beg for mercy," he said and ran away
"Make sure to invite me," said Clint and Bard walked behind him
"The boat is ready," he said and Clint walked to the lake where he saw a boat waiting for them
"It won't fit us all," he said
"I want to stay here," said Bruce "I feel more comfortable here and........... I don't want the other guy to destroy Erebor or cause any more problems "
"Look at the bright side Bruce, you'll stay here and help the wounded and sick people, they need you more than anything," said Natasha and held his hand
"And that's what I'm going to do," he said and waited for them to sit on the boat
"You guys are ready?" He asked, they all nodded their heads and he pushed the boat away from the land
"Stay safe guys!!" He yelled and walked to the people but he was surprised when he saw Legolas and Tauriel behind him
"So they went to the Mountain," said Legolas
"And what do you want?" Asked Bruce
"They betrayed our king and we want to bring them back to Mirkwood to show them that it is not a wise decision to lie to our king," said Tauriel and Bruce rolled his eyes
"Well before you do that go and tell your 'king' to help the people that need his help and think that someday he will need their help one day so instead of being a drama queen he should know how to be a good king," said Bruce and walked pass them
"I will kill him," said Tauriel and took her sword out but Legolas stopped her
"Don't" he said and glared at Bruce "he is right in a way"
"He has just insulted your father, your king," she said and Legolas glared at her
"And who told you I'm happy with what my father has done. If my father is angry because they betrayed him then he should think about the people he betrayed years ago. Especially the dwarves" said Legolas and walked away from her

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