Chapter 11

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"Thor we need to do something to not wake Smaug up," you said and sat next Thor on the boat
"Do you have anything in your mind lady (Y/N)?" He asked and you sighed
"Not really," you said and looked at the mountain it was getting closer and closer which means you have to think of something right now
"I could go you know instead of Bilbo because I know where to find the Arkenstone," you said
"What are you two talking about?" Asked Thorin
"About what will happen in the mountain since we both know what will happen," you said
"Share it with us, we have to know everything because it's our home and I want to reclaim it," he said
"Thorin I can't tell you it's only between me and Thor and that's why I'm going to get the Arkenstone and not Bilbo," you said
"Lady (Y/N) I will come with you," said Thor
" Thor you and I both know that it's dangerous to go inside the mountain," you said
"Dangerous is my middle name," he said
"What? Who taught you that?" you asked
"Tony," he said and you laughed
"Please don't say the things that Tony says just........don't," you said and the boat stopped
"We're here" you whispered and jumped out of the boat and landed on your feet
"Search for the hidden door now," said Thorin and Thor looked at you
"Will you tell them?" He asked
"No," you said "I'm waiting for Bilbo to find it"
"Why?" He asked
"So Thorin will trust him because from now on I won't change anything Thor, I already changed a lot," you said and walked away acting as if you were searching for the hidden door

".....what happened??" Asked a very confused Bruce as Steve gave him some clothes
"Thanks to you Bruce Smaug won't destroy anything here because you already destroyed everything," said Tony
"What?" Asked Bruce
"It doesn't matter, what does matter that (Y/N) and Thor are with the company and they're on their way to the mountain," Steve said and helped Bruce to stand on his feet
"Bruce!!" Yelled Bain as he ran towards them
"What's wrong?" Asked Steve
"My father they took him," he said trying to catch his breath
"We should help him," said Bruce
"No," said Tony
"What??" Asked Bain
"Tony is right we need to let him think and stop changing the story," said Loki
"Don't worry son, your father will be alright" said Tony "anyway I'm going to the mountain" he said and closed his helmet and flew towards the mountain
"Now what?" Asked Bruce
"We wait and we must find a good boat you know what will happen next," said Steve
"There will be an Orc attack here," said Loki and they ran to Bard's house

"What is that?" Asked Fili as he pointed at Tony
"That's Tony, my cousin," you said as he landed in front of you
"Why are you here?" Asked Thorin
"To help," said Tony
"We do not need your help," said Thorin with a glare
"Too bad you don't have a choice," he said and Pointed at the top of the mountain
"The entrance is there let's go, oh and (Y/N) why you didn't tell them?" Asked Tony and
You just stared at him with wide eyes, he's so stupid he ruined your plan
"Let's go we don't have enough time," you said and headed to the mountain
since you, Tony and Thor are taller than the dwarves you arrived there first and waited for the company to arrive but while waiting for them you decided to give Tony a piece of your mind
"What's the matter with you?" You asked
"What's the matter with me? What's the matter with you?? I cane here to help and showed them the way that you suddenly forgot about it and now you're acting like I ruined something" he said clearly angry
"Well yeah you ruined it I was waiting for Bilbo to find it so Thorin would at least trust him because I changed a lot of things and I want this to go just like the movie!!!" you shouted and the ground beneath your feet started to cover in ice
"(Y/N) calm down" he said in a low voice
"You never care about what I love you don't even care about this mission or helping them Tony you only care about yourself!!!" You yelled as your right side hair started to turn into white
"Lady (Y/N) control your anger!!" Yelled Thor and walked back since the ice was covering the ground, you started to calm down a bit and the ice started to melt and your hair started to turn to its natural color
"I'm sorry," said Tony
"Don't talk to me" you said and walked around
"So we'll wait for the dwarves to come right?" Asked Tony but you didn't answer him
"Beware of her anger brother Anthony," said Thor and went to help the dwarves
"I don't understand what's wrong with her I didn't say anything bad or something," said Tony
"You did," said Thor and Tony sighed
"Why were you fighting?" Asked Balin
"You won't understand my friend," said Tony

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