Chapter 10

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Steve, Thor, and Loki were being chased by Thranduil's army, they were running through the Forest in hope to lose them but the elves knew the forest more than anything so it was hard to escape from them
"We must hurry and go to the mountain," said Thor but stopped when an arrow was an inch apart from his face
"You think you can run?" Asked Thranduil "you betrayed me...why?for these dwarves?" he asked again
"We came here to help them not to help you," said Thor and raised his hammer
"Put your hammer down Thor God of Thunder I also want your help," said Thranduil
"And who said we'll help you?" Asked Steve
"I believe that you have no choice, as far as I know, the dwarves will be killed if they entered the mountain Smaug will kill them the moment they land their feet in it but if they did it and they stayed alive and killed Smaug there will be a war for the gold in that mountain and I know that the dwarves need my help and I will help them but I want something in return something that I desire," said Thranduil
"I will not help you I promised Lady (Y/N) that I will help her and only her," said Thor and held his hammer
"I will help you," said Loki
"Loki don't!!" Yelled Thor
"But I want something in return too," he said with a smirk
"Deal," said Thranduil "now go to Laketown and into the mountain and give me what is rightfully mine and I will help you too"

♢♢♢♢ in Laketown ♢♢♢♢

"We need to get out of here now," said Thorin
"We can't we're being watched," said Clint and looked through the window
"They won't learn the last time they were doing this Bruce hulked up," said Natasha
"Wow thanks, Nat," said Bruce
"We still need to get out of here today is the last day of Durin and we don't have any time," you said and Tony stood next to the door
"Maybe Clint and I can distract him while you escape," he said
"That would be great but how?" You asked
"We need bruce to turn into the other guy," said Clint and Natasha looked at him with a confused look
"Why would you do that?" She asked
"You have a lullaby that calms him right? Use it but now we need to make him angry" said Tony
"Actually Alfrid and his men annoy me so I think the best thing to do is to go outside," said Bruce and walked out with Tony and Clint behind him
"Once he loses control we run Bard is there a boat that we can use?" You asked
"Yes there is but you have to run because it's not near," said Bard and you nodded your head
"Who is the other guy?" Asked Bilbo
"Believe me you don't wanna know," you said and heard people scream and saw Tony flying around with Hulk running behind him smashing and destroying everything in his way
"That my dear Bilbo is the other guy Hulk," you said
"I think I'm comfortable here I don't really want to go out," he said
"You don't have a choice, time to go we have to run," you said and walked out the house with the dwarves behind you.

You ran as fast as you could so Hulk won't notice you but he did, and it was a bad idea to ran and shout...
"RAN HE'S AFTER US!!!!!" Shouted Nori and the dwarves started to run in all directions which were a very bad idea too. Hulk lifted Nori so he was at eye level with him
"Not on my watch big guy," said Tony and punched Hulk, he dropped Nori and you used your levitation powers to catch Nori before he touched the ground
"Did they seriously run?? where are they?" You asked and looked around, Nori Thorin, Fili, and Kili are the only dwarves left
"You must be kidding me," you said and Tony landed in front of you
"The party's coming," he said and you saw Hulk running towards you
"Wow what a party," you said and when Hulk was few meters away from you he was thrown to the said by Mjolnir, you grinned and Thor stood in front of you
"You will not touch Lady (Y/N) as long as I am here to protect her," he said and Hulk was now angrier
"We will stop him take the company Thor go with her," said Steve
"Guys I need some help here," said Tony as he punched Hulk over and over "go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep," he said but it didn't work

"(Y/N) WE'VE FOUND THE BOAT!!" yelled Bofur and you ran to him
"Good now into the boat hurry," you said and you saw Alfrid running towards you
"Shit" you whispered
"The man with the unibrow he's such a pain," said Thor and you started to move the boat
"Come back here I will get you one day" he yelled and you laughed at him
"God I'm so tired," you said
"We have to arrive there before the night," said Thorin
"No, we need to arrive there when the light of the last night of Durin's day appears, " you said
"What are you talking about?? You know nothing about Erebor" he said
"I may not know a lot about Erebor but I know what will happen next every single thing so you need to listen to me," you said
"Lady (Y/N) is right," said Thor and Thorin glared at him


I'm really sorry this Chapter took so long i was really busy and i had a writer's block i hope you enjoyed this Chapter❤❤

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