Chapter Nine

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"Don't take Danny away, Please let him stay, I need him!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I fell to my knees and held my head in my hands while I sobbed, I could feel someone standing behind me, they put their hand on my shoulder which jolted me awake.

It took me a couple of seconds to take in my surroundings and realize where I was. The light was shining through the partially open curtains bringing in some light to the dim room. I sat up in bed thinking about the events of the previous day, so much had happened, it almost felt like a dream. As I sat there thinking, the harsh reality hit me I'm never going to see Danny again, I knew for a fact the police were never going to let him go. If I wanted to see him I would have to visit him in prison. Thinking about never seeing him again cause me to start sobbing, I could feel myself slipping into depression, I was at a point of hopelessness.

A month later I was sat in a crowded courtroom. My mother was sat on my right, my sister was on my left and Danny was seated next to the judge in what seemed to be an animals cage. I didn't recognise anyone else. Seeing Danny so helpless and angry made me want to jump up and save him, but i couldn't do anything but watch. Everyone stood up as the jury began to say their verdict.

"We, the jury, find Daniel Dweller guilty of two counts of first degree murder and multiple counts of kidnapping!" The main juror spoke proudly.

"I sentence Daniel Dweller to life in prison without the possibility of parole." The judge boomed as he hit his hammer on the table. I fell to my knees as soon as I heard his name being said. I sat there with my head in my hands chanting to myself that my life was over.

My mother put her hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me down, it did no good, She bent down to my level and whispered in my ear " Darling, he's a bad man, He's getting what he deserves."

As she spoke those words I shot up making her jump back in surprise. "Danny is not a bad person! He is the most caring and sweet person I have ever met. He doesn't deserve this!" I screamed at her making the whole court stare at me with wide eyes. I could hear them all murmuring and saying "She's insane" "What a drama queen".

I looked around the courtroom everyone was staring at me; the judge, the jurors, the witnesses and even the prison guards that were taking Danny away had stopped to witness my outburst. As I looked over at the prison guards Danny gave me a sad smile as if to say just leave and move on with your life. There was no way I'm moving on I love him.

"You all think Danny is a bad person, You all think that because he apparently murdered the other girls that he's a bad person, Well he's not! If he was he would have killed me a long time ago. I love Danny Dweller!" I scream at the top of my voice, I saw everyone's eyes go wide and their mouths fall open. I blew a kiss to Danny then I turned and left the courtroom.

The whole way home all I could think was how stupid everyone was and how quick they jumped to a conclusion. I knew they would all be gossiping about me but I didn't care, they didn't know the real Danny. As I walked home I promised myself that I would go visit him every week as much as I could, no matter who tried to stop me.

After about half an hour I decided it was time to return to my parents house. I refuse to call it home, it's not MY home! The walk to their house was tiring, the wind kept blowing me backwards and freezing my face, but I finally got there. I put my hand on the door handle and pushed the door open. I walked into the house and slowly shut the door behind me. I could hear talking and sobbing coming from the living room so I creeped towards the entrance of the room. I stopped walking as soon as I released they were talking about me. I stopped just before the entrance and listened in to their conversation.

"What are we going to do about her?" I recognized this voice to be my mothers. She was the one sobbing.

"I'm not sure honey. We could admit her?" My dad replied worriedly. "Admit me!" I screamed in my head growing angry with them once again.

"We couldn't do that, Could we? It's not her fault, she isn't the same person anymore." My mum replied.

"It's up to you what we do about her. Admitting her might cure her?" He questioned.

"If it will cure her I think it's the best thing to do, for all of us." She replied. She had stopped sobbing by this point. I was so angry with them I couldn't help but bursting in. My parents looked up at me shocked. My mums eyes were red and puffy from crying and my dad had his hand on her back.

"How much of that did you hear?" My dad questioned looking at my mum worriedly.

"All of it! How dare you say you can 'cure' me I haven't got some kind of disease! I love Danny, he's my life, I will wait for him until he gets out of prison. I'm leaving!" I burst out crying and ran up to my room to pack my things.

I put my suitcase onto my bed and packed everything i owned. Really I didn't have much just a few clothes and some perfume. I closed my suitcase, picked it up and started making my way out of the house. I got to the front door and turned around taking one last look around. My parents were stood in front of me, my mum was crying and my dad had his arm around her in an attempt to comfort her. They haven't even tried to stop me leaving. I sighed, opened the door and walked out shutting the door behind me.

The cold air hit me as I began walking to the bus stop. Reality suddenly hit me. I was running away from my parents, I had lost Danny, the pain and loneliness was unbearable. I was going to figure out a way to stop the pain or get him back. 

Soul of a Captive(Edited and Different Ending)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt