Chapter Six

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I heard the front door open and the muffled sounds of Danny talking to someone. All I could do was sit and stare at the TV wondering who it was and what they wanted. After what felt like an eternity I heard the door shut with a quite bang.

I turned around to see Danny carrying a white letter, I gave him a confused look as he came to sit next to me. I wondered why someone would come to the middle of nowhere just to deliver a letter.

"What's that?" I asked, nodding towards the letter in his hand, with a puzzled look on my face.

"It's a surprise, there's something outside that goes with what's in this letter." He said with a wide grin on his face.

I turned around, looked at the window then looked back at Danny then ran towards the window. I was eager to see what was waiting for me. I stared wide eyed at what was parked outside. Excitement began to rush through me.

"What's that for!" I practically shouted.

"It's for you, it's taking you into town so you can go on a shopping spree." He said, full of pride.

"With what money?" I said turning back to him.

He held up the white letter, "With this, It's a cheque for £1,000, you have to go to the bank to get the money."

By this time I was jumping up and down with excitement but then the truth dawned on me.

"What if someone I know see's me?" I said as my face fell.

"If they do just ignore them. They won't do anything." he said while standing up and walking over to me. He wrapped me up in one of his hugs that made me feel so safe. I looked up at him and kissed him on his lush lips.

"Go get ready Honey." He said nodding towards the bedroom. I nodded and walked off to get ready for my day out. Once I was all set I grabbed my coat, keys and bag, kissed Danny goodbye and walked out the door towards my pink limo.

The drive into town was long and tedious, the only thing I had to pass the time was the games on my phone. After about an hours long drive the limo pulled up outside a bank. The driver turned round to me and asked for the cheque. I handed it over and he got out the car and walked into the bank. He came back about ten minutes later with a wad of cash that was held together with a paper band. He got back in the car, passed me the money then started the engine again. After driving for another twenty minutes we pulled up outside a posh looking store called "Cliché". It had glass doors with gold around the edges and its walls were a cream pink colour.

I grabbed my bag, thanked the driver and got out. As I stepped onto the pavement I looked around noticing that it's quite busy in this area of town, I shrugged my shoulders thinking nothing of it and wandered into the store.

As I walked into the store the scent of new shoes filled my nose along with the warmth of the heaters. I sighed and relaxed I hadn't been shopping in a while. As I walked around the store looking at all the designs of clothing paranoia slowly started to set in, it felt like I was being watched but every time I turned around to see who was there, no one was, even though I knew no one I know shops in this area of town the feeling was still there.

After about twenty minutes of browsing I had finally decided on a outfit to buy. The outfit consisted of; a pale pink top with 'keep calm and shop' written on the front, a white skirt, black leggings and 6-inch white heels with pink studs on the toe. I took my new outfit to the till and waited for the cashier to add It all up.

"That will be £255, miss." The cashier told me with a smile on her pale face. I got my Gucci purse out of my bag and handed her the money then took my bags and headed towards the door.

Once out of the shop I took a minute to look at the busy shoppers around me. There was all kinds of people out today from the young to the old and families to single parents. I didn't recognise any of them and thankfully no one recognised me.

The feeling of paranoia lifted as a I walked to my limo and saw the driver getting out to help me put my bags in the boot. He shut the boot door as I made my way to the passenger door, I opened the door and started to climb in, I stopped in my tracks when someone put a hand on my shoulder and made me turn around to face them. My mouth fell open at who was stood in front of me.

"Natasha, I thought I'd never see you again!" My fears just came true.  

Soul of a Captive(Edited and Different Ending)Where stories live. Discover now