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"I'm so happy for you!" Theresa, my friend for five years now exclaimed.

We first met at one of the best tour sites in Star City when I would leave Royalty School during break time. Theresa never went to the same school as me, but she did go to one where we learnt the same things, but in a better manner. I always felt as though the two schools were built so close to each other only to rub it in our faces of all the things we would never able to get in Royal Crown School.

I smiled in return, not sure of how to respond. What was I to say? I'm happy for myself too. Well that sure would be a lie...

"Let's go do something adventurous tonight, it's been a really long time since I last went outside," I told her, changing the subject.

She nodded in agreement, jumping over to my king sized bed, and in the process causing her brown curls to bounce around her shoulders.

Her sea blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she talked, something I didn't see in anyone nowadays. It seemed as though in this royal world, there were only some of us who still in the ended up with a sincere heart, and Theresa was one of them. It was surprising, because even Xenia didn't have the sincere happiness on her face when she talked or smiled.

Theresa was lucky growing up, luckier than anyone I had met. She had the best parents anyone could've had- or that's what she would tell me, and two siblings who could be dearly loved. That was no lie, because I had met them myself.

It made me wonder about Serenity and my relationship. Would we have been loving and understanding towards each other or quarrel any given moment? Either way, watching everyone else with their siblings made my heart clench with pain at the reminder of my dead sister.

"We'd have to take guards along though, not allowed to leave without protection," I added in as an after thought, while grabbing my phone from my night stand.

Which for some reason reminded me that I didn't have Lindon's number in my contacts.

Theresa twirled a strand of her hair, lost in her own little world, not bothering to notice that I was doing what she hated the most. Giving something else attention, whilst she was around.

"Are you happy?" She suddenly asked.

I glanced up from my phone, stopping mid way in the process of playing a game.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, playing around the topic. "Do you think I'm sad?"

She shrugged, moving backwards so she was now leaning against the head board. "It's no secret from anyone that you will be getting married to someone you met about three weeks ago in only a few days due to a marriage contract. Is that what you really want?"

"Actually I knew him from childhood," I pointed out, ignoring her question.

It didn't matter anymore. What I thought, what I wanted it was nothing but a mere reminder of everything I couldn't have. And I wasn't going to think of all that anymore, I had learnt to not dwell upon the past and move on.

Who cares what I felt, it didn't seem to matter to anyone anyways.

She rolled her blue eyes, shaking her head. "Why don't you ever give anyone a simple answer when they ask you a simple question?"

"Maybe it's not as simple as they think it is," I said faking a useless laugh. "Forget this, let's go down to the new club that has recently opened."

"Fine," she agreed. "But I'm not going to let this matter go easily. Do you guys even talk?"

I nodded, "We talk like we are best friends." Not.


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