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*Two Years Later*

The frigid wind brushed against my face, causing me to hug my night gown closer to my body, as I stood in the balcony.

It was a beautiful morning, with the mockingbird's singing in the sky, and the fiery ball casting its light upon the freshly mowed grass while I waited for Lindon's call.

Lindon had left three days ago for one of his business meetings, and today would be the day he would be finally returning. I couldn't wait to see him again, to see his eyes light up when something appealed to him, the way a smile would make its way across his lips when he saw Xenia or me. Or the way his lips would press in a firm line when he would be thinking, or even the way he clenched his jaw when something angered him.

Days had turned into weeks, weeks into months, and now it had been two years since we had been together.

So much had changed throughout the years. My relationship with Lindon, and even my parents. Things had slowly fallen into place between Lindon and I, both of us coming to terms with the fact that this was our life now. A life we were both meant to spend together till our last breaths.

As for my parents, we all did our very best to move past our conflicts and accept the fact that Serenity's death was meant to happen. It wasn't something we could change.

Lindon and his father didn't talk as much, but I knew Lindon was beginning to forgive as well. I knew Lindon's father had done wrong in the past, but that didn't mean he shouldn't be forgiven. We were all humans after all, bound to make mistakes. What made us the better person was when we decided to let it all go and forgive.

It wasn't easy for Lindon to forget his mother's death, but slowly he was learning. And one day or another he would come to terms with it.

During the beginning of our relationship when Lindon and I had began to get closer, I had told him about me knowing Noah, and our history together. Lindon wasn't mad like I thought he would be. He was disappointed that I hadn't told him earlier, and for a while he had believed I still wanted to be with Noah.

However, that wasn't true. Lindon hadn't realized but he had been holding my heart all along. And nothing could change that.

At last we had gotten over the Noah talk, and had accepted the fact that whatever happened was meant to stay in the past. I saw Noah once or twice in the past year, but it really didn't matter to me. Because now I had eyes only for my husband, Lindon.

My cell phone began to ring, and I immediately accepted the call, already knowing who was calling.

"Hello, this is Queen Bella speaking. How may I help you?" I joked, biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

I heard Lindon quietly chuckle from the other side, deciding to play on. "I was trying to call my lovely wife, but her phone is not working. Maybe you could do me a favour and let me talk to my wife for a moment?"

"I'm sorry, however I'm waiting for my husband to call. I haven't spoken to him in a while now."

"Are you sure it's been a while? From what I can remember you spoke to him last night didn't you?"

"Oh hush," I said. "That was a long time ago, and I have every right to miss him. I can't wait to see him tonight."

I felt as though Lindon was smiling as he answered, "I can for sure tell you that he sure misses you and his baby very much. Speaking of baby, how are you and our child doing?"

What The Heart KnowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora