Chapter 11

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Tamar told me where Aleia was and said she was bringing her back to the house. So I waited outside for her. Once they got back, Aleia got out of the truck and I went over to her and took her hands. She looked at me and held onto my hands. Tamar drove off to tell everyone she found her. 

Chris: Babe I was so worried about you.  Don't you ever run off like that again. *kisses her head*

Aleia: Babe I love you but, I don't think we can get married. Your mother ruined our wedding. I can't deal with this. 

Chris: Please baby please, I love you so much. Look it doesn't matter if we have a wedding, I proposed to you so that I would be married to you for the rest of my life. And would love, cherish, care, and be there for you. *tear falls down* You're my morning, noon and night. I can't imagine my life without you. I would die without you. I- 

Aleia: *grabs my face and kisses me* 

Chris: *kisses back* *holds her*

Aleia: I love you babe. 

Chris: I love you too. 

Aleia: *wipes my tears* 

Chris: Will you still marry me?

Aleia: Yes, I will. 

Chris: *puts the ring back on her finger* *kisses her* 

Aleia: *kisses back*

Chris: Let's go inside. *picks her up and carries her inside bridal style* 


So I went upstairs after we got into the house, and went into my room to see my mom, my brothers, my aunt, and my friends.

Aleia: Hey people, don't we have a wedding we should be getting ready for?

Shay: Leia!! *hugs me*

Luna: Leia!! *hugs me too* 

Shay: Don't you ever run away like that again Missy! Or I'll have to kill you myself.

Luna: Yea don't I was about to get my gun. 

Aleia: Oh Lord, no not the gun. 

Luna: Yes the gun.

Shay: Mhm. Now let's go get ready for this amazing day. 

Luna: Yes let's we gon be the sexy looking bridesmaids ever! 

Shay: Hell yea. Oh yea who ya maid of honor and matron of honor? 

Aleia: Jussie and Yazz.

Shay *dies laughing* 

Luna: Hahahahahahaha!

Yazz: Hey, I heard that!

Shay: Hahahaha! 

Aleia: Naw I'm playing. Shay your the maid and Luna is the matron.



Aleia: Woah okay, now let's get dressed please. 

Tamar: Aleia can we talk to you first?

Aleia: Yea. *goes into the room*

Taraji: Honey, I'm sorry and I love you. Who do you want to be your mother now?

Aleia: I love you too and I don't want anything to really change. I mean I still consider that you should be my mom because, you and dad raised me. And Yazzy and Jussie can still be my brothers. I still love their knuckle heads. And Auntie can still be my auntie.

Taraji: Alright good and me and your father are not getting a divorce.

Aleia: Yay! *hugs her and kisses her cheek* 

Yazz: Hey I want some love too.

Aleia: *kisses his cheek and hugs him* My Yazzy Bear!

Yazz: *blushes and kisses my cheek back and  hugs back* Lei Lei Poo!

Jussie: And me too.

Aleia: *jumps on him and kisses his cheek and hugs him* Smoochie poo! 

Jussie: *kisses my cheek back and hugs back* I don't have a nickname for you so I can't say nun. 

Aleia: Hehehe. *gets up and goes with the girls*

So we got to the dressing room and Shay did my hair and Luna did my makeup. Auntie did my toe nails and Mommy did my finger nails. Yazzy and Jussie came in carrying my dress and shoes and laid them on the bed along with my veil. Then they left to get dressed. When everything was ready I put on my dress, my veil, and my shoes. The girls put their dresses on (up top) they looked beautiful. I looked in the mirror at myself and smiled. I look good. So I went out in the hall so I could go downstairs because, everything was ready. I looked in the corner of my eye to see a note on the guest bed. I went to it and read it. It said: Dear Aleia, I feel horrible for what I have done, so I will not be attending the wedding. I'm sorry I really am. But I think it's best if I don't be there. I wish the best for you and my son  -Miss Joyce.  I look outside to see her getting into a car and I pick up my dress and take off my heels and start to run downstairs. Lord give me strength. I run outside to the car and told them to stop. 

Mama J: Aleia? 

Aleia:  Yes please don't leave. Come back inside and get ready please. 

Mama J: I'm sorry for what I did Aleia.

Aleia: It's fine. I'm sorry too. 

So we walked back inside and she got ready and I crashed on the couch upstairs from that run.

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