I still remember the incident happened last time in London. My dad accompanied me during my first day of class and followed me everywhere that day. So that no one will ever bother to disturb me ever while I stay at that campus.

He wanted to do the same here in California too. But I was stubborn enough not to let that happen again. So he’s getting back by calling me every hour taking out his revenge.

Keeping my phone in my pocket and adjusting my bag I entered into my department building.

Seems like everyone here is with someone. I have to get a friend soon or I’ll be tagged as a nerd with no friends. Of course that’s not the only reason. I love my friends. You can’t even count the number of them I had in England. Spending time with my friends make me feel so special.

Just as my eyes looked for a lift since my class is in Third floor my head bumped into something or more like someone.

Not again… with that I prepared a big apology for the poor soul who might have ended up with a concussion. But my head swirled a little indicating I am the one going to get a concussion.

I looked above with a best innocent look I can create.

 “Ahem... Sorry didn’t see you there” Oh my god. It’s the same stranger; I bumped earlier. Shit he’s going to think that I am some kind of maniac who bumps into guys often.

Is he angry over me?

He let go of my hand which he was holding till now to stop me from falling.

“Is that your catch line?” he asked me and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion not clear of what he’s conveying.

He flipped his hands over my face making me come out of my imagination.

“Uhhh. Sorry” I said getting hold of myself.

“We seem to meet like this often” he said with a small smile in his face.

“Yeah. Sorry I should have watched” I bit my lip. How genuine of him to not yell at me after my second crashing over him.

“No no it’s ok. I should have watched too.” He said with a glint of smile in his lips.

“So you’re new here?” He asked me making me realize that I am late for my first class.

“Yeah. Sorry I am late for my class. Can we talk again?” without my consent those words slipped out of my tongue.

Shit definitely he’s going to think that I am a flirt. How come a girl asks a boy when we shall meet again? Ughhh… Ishaani; dumbest girl on earth;

“I too have class now. Sure we’ll meet again Ishaani. Bye.”

Wait how come he knows my name?

“Hey” I shouted for him to hear.

“Yeah” he turned and came near me.

“How do you know my name? And BTW I don’t know yours” I said rolling my eyes with a smile.

“To answer your first question; you are famous. And the name is Chris” he said folding his arms over his chest. This man is not a waste of time to watch.

No Ishaani Karthik. Stop checking him out.

“Ok Chris. How come I am famous on my first day?” I asked him innocently.

“Because of that” with that he made me turn and face the notice board nearby. Great it had my name with photo mentioned my grades in Graduation along with few other photos of other students.

I bit my lip. Why did they have to do this? Irritating…

“You are not happy about that?” he asked me now standing in front of me hiding the board from my view.

“Yeah. Now everyone will have high expectations from me. And everyone will know me; but all I wanted was a peaceful experience without others consent” I shook my head trying hard to hide my disappointment.

“You are the first person feeling bad for being fame Ishaani. And that’s cute” he said making me forget the sadness and blush like a little girl.

“And you are flirting with me” I said placing my hands in my waist.

“Is it that obvious?” he asked playfully.

“Yup” I said popping the ‘P’.

“Okay maybe I need more training” he said which made us both end in laughing hard like maniacs.

That’s when I noticed that time had gone more than it was supposed to go. Shit not again…


“Chris I am getting way more late” I said pointing my watch.

“Hell yes. Meet you in cafeteria.” He said which was more like a question? I nodded my head in approval.

“Bye Ishaani”

“Bye Chris” we both walked off in different directions.

I waved him a bye and ran towards the stairs taking two steps at a stride.


Hello lovelies...

So sorry for the short chapter. But i'll update two chapters today. So treat...

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