Part 17: Just a Kiss (FQ)

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She looked out into the land before her. Her son was out there somewhere. Turns out that Henry's dad; Neal, was alive. Even after being shot and thrown into a portal, he survived.

Regina honestly felt sort of odd around him. She wasn't sure why though. He was pretty good-looking and charming, and- stop it! You don't like him, besides why would he want me? He loves Emma and he wants to fight for her over that stupid pirate. No one would want me.

She heard a ruffling and crunching noise behind her. It was Neal. "Hey, couldn't rest either?" He spoke softly.

All she did was smile. "Not much of a talker, huh?" He said with his cute smile and sat down next to her.

He followed her line of sight and saw her looking at a tree. "Must be a pretty interesting tree."

She couldn't help but laugh. "I've always liked trees, something about them calms me."

"So you do talk?!" He teased.

She laughed again. "You think we'll find him?" He asked.

"Oh, I know we will, I'd jump in front of a train to save him."

"You really are a good mother to my son."

"I'm sorry what?"

"I said you're a good mother to my son."

She blushed. "Thank you. I mean I try, but he just seems to lean towards Emma."  He frowned.

   "I'm sure he loves you both equally."  He reassured.

   "I doubt that."

   "Why?"  He didn't know why, at all.

   "I mean it makes sense, everybody would want to be with the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and then I'm always left in the dust to rot."  She murmured.

   His heart hurt for her, clearly she wasn't even confident enough to believe in herself, that she could be loved or be in love.  He got closer to her and grabbed her hand, which she tensed up at.

   "Regina, look I don't know you well, but I know that you're a smart, great mother, funny, sassy, and beautiful person worthy of love."  He said with great honesty.

   She blushed again.  "Um...thanks."

   "Seriously though, how do you come up with such great comebacks?"

   She laughed and blushed for like the thousandth time.  "I don't know...I just do, I guess."  She felt something odd in her stomach.  The butterflies, why though?  She put a lock of hair behind her ear.

   "You should smile more, you've got a nice one there."  He said.

   She didn't say anything, she just looked into his hazel eyes.  He didn't realize how close they had gotten.  He didn't mind though, honestly to him, she was quite a sight.  Her eyes fell onto his lips.

   "Uh."  She said.

   "Uh."  He mocked and she smirked.

   Her eyes fell back down to his lips.  Then she leaned in and hesitated before pressing her lips to his.  She was kissing him.  Not gunna lie to myself, she's pretty hot. 

   "This is wrong."  She said breaking their kiss. 

   "How?  Emma would much rather be with pretty boy than me.  And I've noted that you're a good kisser, so that's a plus."  He said. 

   He is such a charmer.  "But-I."

   "Like you?  Yeah I'd say that."

   "Oh my God, just kiss me!"  She said and he pulled her by her blue blazer into a fierce kiss. 

   He held her face and kissed her. 


   They were hand and hand looking up at the stars, Neal was pointing out different stars that Hook taught him and Regina kept giggling at the odd names.  They were a good combination,  both good-looking, cute, smart, strong, charming, funny, and some audacity. 

   Snow and Charming were walking around, because they both woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, so they decided walk around.

   "I'm not letting that pirate date our daughter."  David said.

   "David, she's grown up, wether we like it our not, she can make her own choices." 

   They made a turn in the path and their eyes fell on Neal and Regina.

   "Uh..."  Snow said

   Regina and Neal immediately stood up and their eyes went big.  "I..."

   Snow grabbed Regina's arm and pulled her to the side.  "I knew it." 

   "Knew what?"  Regina asked a little freaked out.

   "You like Neal."  Regina's eyes went wide.  "Regina it's okay to like him, Emma and Neal aren't together."


   "But what?  If you like him, then date him.  Be happy Regina, take this opportunity to be happy and in love."  Snow said bracing her arms and smiled.

   "What are you doing with Regina?"  David asked with hay hand son his hips.

   "She kissed me, so as a single guy I'm attracted to that and I like her."  He answered simply and David was shell-shocked.

  "What's that look for?"

   "You should be fighting for Emma!"

   "It's clear that Emma likes that pirate, not me!  And now, guess what maybe I like Regina!"

   David was still shocked.

   "Don't be in shock.  Anyone can love, even Regina.  I just got to know her a little and honestly she is sad.  She feels like she isn't loved and she doesn't think love is possible for her."

   David the felt bad.  "So stop being a jerk to her and assuming that she'll always be "evil" and wise up.  I like Regina, end of story."  Neal spat and then he bumped into David on purpose.

   Regina: It was just a kiss.  He doesn't actually like me, right?

   Neal: Wow, she's a keeper.  I've got a new girlfriend I guess, a foxy, audacious, and smart one at that.

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