04| Shop 'til you drop

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"Kate! Kate!"

"Five more minutes mom," I slur.

"Fine, but you'll miss out on shopping."

My eyes bolt open and I sit straight up. "Shopping?"

Hermione woke me up. "Yes. Shopping," she says with a grin. "I'm gonna get ready so you should too."

I stretch my arms as I get out of bed. This will be my first time around a crowd of wizards, all getting their things for Hogwarts. I want to make an impression. I put on a tight, cropped black sweater with a scoop neck, and my high waisted denim shorts from Pacsun. I pull on my high top white converse with a little bit of my grey socks peeking out of the top. Deciding on a necklace, I finally pick out an amethyst crystal on a black string that falls right above my chest.

Hermione and Ginny both look at me, looking in the mirror. My long legs and hourglass figure really pull off the outfit. My chest is also a pretty nice size, definitely not small.

"When in the name of Merlin am I gonna look like you." Ginny states, staring at my reflection.

"Aww Ginny! You're so beautiful just the way you are! I'm not even that good looking to be honest." I say, honestly.

"Whatever, just wait 'til the boys at Hogwarts see you." Hermione says, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I step into the bathroom. I plug in my straightening iron and do my makeup while I wait.Concealer, powder, bronzer, light contouring, mascara, and a slight cateye.I also slightly fill in my brows, which are shaped perfectly with a square front, high arch and long tail. The kids at my school would always compliment them and refer to them as 'on fleek', but I can't say that here. I straighten my hair and part it a bit off center, slightly curling my frontal pieces to frame my face better. As soon as I think I'm done, my mind strikes an idea as I picture a certain someone's curly hair. "Hermione come in here!"

"Yah, Kate?"

"Can I straighten your hair?" I say, wagging my eyebrows up and down.

"Uhh, sure, why not." She says, smiling. I get started straightening her bushy mane. Half way through I can already notice a difference. A good difference. When I'm done, she looks in the mirror and gasps.

"Have you not ever had your hair straightened before?" I say, a slight smile playing at my lips.

"Actually no, and I love it!" she says, grinning like mad. "Thank you!"

"It's nothing," I say while stepping out of the room after grabbing my Gringotts key, almost running into Ron and Harry. "Oh, sorry guys!"

They both look me up and down and blush a bit. "No, it's fine! Our fault. Right, Ron?" Harry says, nudging the red head.

"Uh, y-yah." Ron stutters.

A chuckle leaves my lips as I continue walking downstairs. Mr and Mrs. Weasley and the twins are downstairs. "Kaitlyn, you're finally awake." Mrs. Weasley says to me, while Fred and George both stare at me.

"I've actually been awake for a while now," I reply as the golden trio, plus Ginny comes down the stairs.

"Woah Hermione, your hair! It looks, different!" George remarks.

"And Kaitlyn looks gorgeous too," Fred states. "I-I mean, you're hair, it looks really nice."

"Thanks guys." I smile.

"Eat up kids, we will be leaving in 10 minutes, Diagon Alley will be packed." Arthur Weasley tells us all.

We all eat up and talk about Hogwarts and shopping and such, and then it's time for my first floo travel. Everybody lines up before Molly starts picking us off to go in. Arthur goes first, then Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, then me. "Diagon Alley!" I shout before dropping the powder into the fireplace. Green flames engulf me and pretty soon I'm stepping out of the fireplace at Flourish and Botts ( AN: I've researched and I can't figure out where you end up when you correctly say Diagon Alley, unlike Harry in CoS). Surprisingly I had no soot on me. Fred's hand takes mine and helps me step out of the fireplace. "Thanks." I mutter to him. He nods his head with a smile as a reply.

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