03| We've Already Met on a Page

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Once I'm done packing my things, Dumbledore extends his arm for me and I know what he wishes me to do. JK Rowling describes apparition very painfully, so I'm hesitant. I finally put my hand atop of his and wait for the worst. I squeeze my eyes shut as it feels as if my body is being squished to death. But, it ends as quickly as it takes me to feel anything.

My eyes just begin to open and I already know where we are. The words on the pages perfectly describe the burrow, with all it's obvious expansions it looks almost like the leaning tower of Pisa.

"I have already sent a letter by owl explaining everything, including our little coverup, to the Weasley's. I don't expect you to become friends with a certain anyone, but whoever you befriend, just know that telling your secret will put you in great jeopardy. Death Eaters would love to get their hands on the secrets of the future," he pauses. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." I say, honestly.

His hard look turns into a soft one once more, "Splendid. I will introduce you, I know how awkward this may be."

I nod and we continue walking towards the rickety old house. As we near closer to the door I hear the voice of a middle age woman telling somebody not to misbehave. Dumbledore knocks on the door three times and puts his hand down just before a familiar red-headed woman swings open it open. "Ah, Albus! I was wondering when you would show up," she says with a big grin before her eyes turn to lay upon me, "And this must be Kaitlyn! We are so excited to have an exchange student in our home. Do come in, don't be shy dear."

She turns into the house and I follow her in before i'm hit with a fantastic aroma of something being cooked. She turns to me, "I hope you don't mind, but we have two guests over that we will be going shopping with and going to Hogwarts with."

"Oh, I don't mind at all, uh, Mrs.Weasley." I was about to say Molly but I'm not supposed to know that yet.

"Kids! Kaitlyn the exchange student is here!" She hollers up the stairs. "They're all a bit tired after the quidditch world cup," she explains. Sounds of footsteps come down the stairs and I'm honestly nervous to see some of my favorite characters from Harry Potter. First, the twins Fred and George land at the bottom of the stairs and stare at me. They're both 16, and I'm 14, but they both still look like they've seen a ghost. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all come down the stairs like they've all been talking together, and Harry is rubbing his forehead. He must be getting the visions, poor kid. Ginny comes right after them, obviously left out. They all gather around Albus and I.

"Children, this is Kaitlyn Amor from America, she was sent to study at Hogwarts and will now be living with us for holidays and summers before she comes of age." Molly states.

One of the twins clears his throat, "Well Kaitlyn, I'm Fred, this is George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny," he motions to each of them in turn and they each say hello.

"You'll be sleeping with Ginny and Hermione, dear, I hope you don't mind." Mrs. Weasley says.

"Oh, not at all," I reply. I say goodbye to Dumbledore and Mrs.Weasley tells me to settle into the room. Hermione and Ginny lead the way, but I'm lost in thought. This is all so much to take in, and, they think I'm a witch! I don't even have a wand, or wizard money, or experience. Wait, yes I do. I secretly would like to practice and think about the stuff they teach in the books, hopefully it's all correct. Oh well, I'm doomed when I need to use my wand for something. Oh, were Ginny and Hermione saying something to me? "Oh, sorry what did you say?"

"We asked where you came from in America," Hermione laughs.

"Oh, sorry. California."

"Woah, like, with all the muggle moviestars!?" Ginny gapes.

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