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"Anna! Hurry up, we still have to go shopping for school!" Alex yelled as I looked at skateboards.
I pouted and looked at him, "you don't have to be mean. I am just looking plus we have plenty of time."
I sighed and he grabbed the skateboard I had been holding.
"How much is this?" He asked the young employee.
"$176." The employee squeaked not knowing how to talk to my brother.
"I'll buy it." Alex said nonchalantly.
"Ah, yes sir. I'll ring it up for you." The employee scurried behind the counter.
"Excuse me, what's your name?" I asked.
He looked at me and blushed.
"Its Tyler."
"Well, there's no need to be afraid of my brother, Tyler. We should hang out some time." I said and wrote my number down on part of the receipt. He looked at it like a sacred object as I handed him the small piece of paper.
"Later Tyler!" I smiled and took my new skateboard.
"Hey babe!" Boris yelled as he ran towards me.
My heart skipped a beat when he hugged me. I giggled and kissed his cheek.
"Hey, I got a new baby." I said and showed him my board. He inspected it and approved.
"I bought you some clothes and put them in the car. So we should be done for the day." Boris said thoughtfully.
"Hurry up you two!" Alex snapped.
He was really grumpy today. I guess he's out of cigarettes.
"Go ahead, I'll catch up. Plus I think you two need some boy time...otherwise he's going to rip off some poor soul's head." I shivered at the thought.
"Okay, just not too long. Text me when you're ready to go. Love you." Boris smiled and kissed me then he caught up with Alex.
Thank God. I can have some me time.
Someone bumped into me and I started to fall, but a pair of string arms caught me.
"I'm sorry." A familiar voice said.
"Dante!" I squeaked and brushed my hair out of my face.
"Anesthesia. Oh my god. You're still alive." He whispered.
His dark eyes looked into mine. He held my cheek.
"I can't believe it. I've been searching for you for months. You look different. And you even feel different. I've missed you so much." He whispered and pulled me into his embrace.
I was choking on sobs. He was real. I knew he was.
"Anesthesia, you feel so frail. Have you had any blood?" He asked and searched my face with worried eyes.
Blood? Is that what I've been craving all this time? I guess that makes sense.
"Alice, lets go. I'll take you home. We can fix everything." He said and held me tighter.
The fear in his eyes made me want to cry.
Though there are people talking about us and stating at us, he kissed me.
"Dante!" Carlisle called.
I pushed away from Dante and turned to see Carlisle. I ran to him and hugged him.
"Thank god. I knew you were real."
"Anesthesia...You're alive. Oh my...thank god." He whispered into my hair.
Were they all here?
I had feeling for all of them. Especially Dante and Carlisle.
"I've missed you. I've missed you so much Carlisle. I know I love you. I'm sorry I didn't choose you." I cried.
I was crying from the thought of loving them all and having to chose one was just unbearable.
"We need to get home. Please come with us Anna. Please." He begged.
I looked up at him and I could see the tears in his eyes.
"Carlisle. Okay. I'll go. Please don't cry." I said and hugged him.
Of course we were making a huge scene and people were staring.
"Anna, we need to hurry." Dante said and grabbed my wrist.
He pulled me through the crowd of people and I couldn't help but look for Alex and Boris. They usually know where I am at all times so where are they?
"Anna, pay attention. We have a car and we will drive you home, but we need your word that you will not say a word to anyone about what happened." Carlisle said and looked me dead in the eyes.
I nodded.
"Alright then. I'm happy you're safe. I was so worried about you." He said in a low voice so Dante didn't hear.
I was supposed to marry Dante, but I was convinced by Boris to leave. I've regretted it ever since.
We got into a black van and we were off.
"So, we found out the truth. That man wasn't your father. Oh and there's no need to choose anyone if you really don't want to. We took care of our father." Dante said.
I brought my knees to my chest. "All of this had to hurt. I'm sorry. Its my fault that you boys have suffered." I said and Dante turned to face me.
"Don't you ever fucking say that again. Ever." He snapped.
Carlisle put a soothing hand on the small of my back. I choked back the tears that threatened to escape.
"He's just scared you'll leave again." Carlisle whispered.
I leaned against him and let myself try and relax.
"The boys will be happy to see you. Especially Cade. He's missed you. You were his best friend after all." Carlisle explained as he played with my shortened hair.
"You're just a blood bag to them Alice! Why'd you even go back? I mean you..you're so stupid sometimes." Boris snapped and hit me.
He had me pinned to the wall. I wouldn't flinch. Not now.
"You're not like them! Just come back home. Our home. Alex is a fucking mess and so am I. So just come home!" He yelled.
Alex...I miss him.
"This is your home too. Alex can come too. I want you both here. I hate being apart from you." I said softly.
Afraid of what he'd do next I looked away from him.
"Alice...you're actually scared of me...I can't believe this." Boris said and backed away.
"Anna!" Carlisle called as he ran towards me.
I looked at Boris one more time before he disappeared.
I fell to my knees feeling hollow.
"Anna! Look at me. Shit. Please be okay. I don't want to lose you." Carlisle sobbed as he held me to him.
Am I really that important?
"Anna, wake up. We're home." Carlisle said while gently shaking me.
I shivered at the thought of having to explain why I left.
"Carlisle, I'm nervous. It's been awhile."
"I know, but you'll be fine. Trust me. We won't make you wear dresses if you don't want to, but you do have to go to school. Oh, we told the teachers you were deathly ill so I'll have to give them notice." He mumbled.
"Alice!" Cade squealed as he ran towards us.
I giggled as he spun me around.
"I missed you so much! Where were you? Never mind that. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I missed you too Cade. I'm glad you're doing well too."
"Well the others are at school. I was home because I was sick." He said and did the quotations hand motion.
I giggled.
"I'm going to try and get settled so I'll see you at dinner with the others." I said.
He hugged me and walked off.
Carlisle took my hand and walked with me to my room.
"We didn't move anything so its how you left it. Umm, you're even skinnier than before. We'll have to get you some clothes." Carlisle said as he unlocked the door.
He looked at me with a playful smile and opened the door. I walked into my old room and set my skateboard down. He sat on my bed and watched me.
"I missed having you around, Anna." He said sadly.
"I've missed being around. My brother and...well a friend. They lied to me. They told me that none of this was real. That it was all a dream."
"Well it it?" He whispered from behind me.
I relaxed against him. "I hope not."
He chuckled and turned me around to look at me.
"You're still beautiful. I missed that pretty smile and your beautiful eyes." He said, his eyes searching my face.
I got on my tiptoes and kissed him. He grabbed my wrists and pushed me onto the bed.
"Why do I always feel so free with you?" He asked between kisses.
I moaned when his fingers dug into my side.
So this is what it feels like to be with him. Free.
He kissed down my neck to my collar bone and teased me with his fangs. I dug my nails into his back when he bit me.
"You're still so sweet. I'm glad. Now you should take some of my blood." He said.
He tucked his hair behind his ear and let me feed on him. I can't believe that this is my life. I'm literally a vampire and I'm sucking another vampire's blood. Oh my god. This is going to be one hell of a lifetime.

My name is Alice..Where stories live. Discover now