The Big Bad Wolf ( Aomine X Reader ) ( AU Fluff )

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You can't help but feel guilty when he said that as you drink his tea."Well,um...thank you."you smiled."I know words is not enough.Don't worry,I will help you in everything that you do."

"You sure? Can you work in that condition?"He said,sighing."If that's what you want."

"I still have another leg working.And I'm still in one piece,I'm sure I can work as efficient as you think."you said and tried to stand up.Your left arm has a cast on it,as well as your ankle."I have to thank you after all."you smiled and still tried to stand up,but falls back again.You look for the tree branch you used.

"What are you looking for?"he sits down on a tree stump inside the lodge and his legs spread open and his knees bend down,holding a long metal with a gemstone embedded on the top.He heats it and smashes it hard with a hard mallet while it's still molten.

"My supporter...or like a specter or something.It's just a long,thick,tree branch." You said.

"Oh,you mean this?"he said and held up the newly made baton.

"'re like a blacksmith."you smiled.

He misunderstood you.He thought you're being sarcastic with him just because his skin is darker than yours.He is quiet and just gave you that.You used it to stand up and tried to help him.


Many days have passed,yet he is still distant to you.Despite your wounds slightly healed,and you can now move without the baton he gave you.You're cooking dinner as Aomine just got home,carrying a dead pig over his shoulders."Aomine-kun,you're just in time,the dinner's ready."You stare at him,he still didn't talk to you that much.

"You look tired,you should rest."you said.

"Why are you always bugging me about that?!"he got annoyed."Mind your own business and serve the freaking food!"

You got surprised and just serves it anyways.He is impatiently sitting on the chair,tapping his fingers on the table.Serving the mashed potatoes hot with gravy with a roasted chicken leg on the side,he wolf it down.You also serve him his beer and eats with him.

"Aomine-kun,tomorrow,we're having roasted pig.What else would you like? Would you--"

"Shut up and let me finish eating."he snapped and polished his plate and shoves it to you for seconds.You get it and gave him another until the pot is clean.You just noticed he had a wound on his scar.After eating,while he is sleeping,you clean his wounds.

"I can't leave you alone...after you help me,I decided to stay with you."you mumbled softly,almost like a whisper.

"(Name),do you know the story of little red riding hood?"He suddenly spoke.You were taken aback.

"Yes,why?"you asked.

"You know how the wolf wanted to eat little red riding hood? The way the wolf sees little red riding hood as his meal?"he said.

"Why...yes.Aomine-kun,do you...perhaps want to pinpoint something?"you asked,confused.Even though his eyes were closed,he knew you were staring at him curiously.

"In fact,for all you know,you shouldn't trust anyone just because they save you."he said,sitting up,looking at you with familiar,cold,and dangerous stare.You sit up straight,fixing your apron and stare at him curiously.

"Why? I mean,you saved me because I was weak back then."you said.

"Idiot.Run now,while you still can."he said.Instead,you just stayed in your place." chose this fate of yours.Then take it."

You were really confused at what he's saying."Could you please get to the point already?"

He pushed you out of his sight."I told you to run away,didn't I!?"

Kuroko no Basuke X Reader [ONE-SHOTS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt