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Drinking medicine like if it's liquor
Gulping down tablets like if it's water
Cutting your skin like if it's paper
This is the life of a suicidal figure

Feeling pain that no one understands
The pain from your heart transferred to your hands
Blurry vision's no new thing to you
Dying's the only thing you want to do

No one to turn to cause you've already hurt them all
And just like they say, pride comes before a fall
The feeling in your stomach's no help to you
Everything's turned, it's now black and blue

Sweating out the overdose is something mastered
You now have to pretend; your feelings are now plastered
The heat from the sky's not helping one bit
The music you love's now making you feel sick

Of course you're not perfect- no one is
But everyone's on nobody's side but his
Smiling's even more painful than anything
If you had a voice, all you would is sing

The occasional chill running through your body
Leaves you feeling a little bit funny
Nothing's helping not even your sorrow
But it pains even more that nobody knows

You want to tell someone but you're scared of that too
I guess this is my message cause I'll leave in a few
I hurt you now it's time for me to hurt too
Pain's inevitable
But so are you.

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