Chapter 2 - Reality Rocks

Start from the beginning

"Home sweet home." Cara dances around in a circle after we get in. "I even missed the smell." She grins as she takes her jacket off.

I carefully put her suitcase on the ground. "So did I." I reply. She smiles at me sweetly before walking over to her closet.

Her pack of clothing on the nightstand grab my attention. I smile. She never likes folding her clothes or hanging anything on hangers. I missed her messiness. I decide to give her a helping hand.

I spot the grey kitty cat shirt I have forever been looking for next to her jacket. After folding it neatly, I place it back on the same nightstand. She's been wearing my shirt.

I feel a warmness go through my whole body, starting from my stomach and ending in my heart. It takes over me a few times.

It's truly amazing when you realize how hopelessly in love you are with someone that every single thing they do leaves you breathless. They captivate your heart every time you only think about them. You eventually tend to need them for letting every breath you take in. You tend to depend on them to feel alive.
It's undeniably heartwarming when you fall in love.

In the whole universe among galaxies and suns and planets, there is only one better feeling in my opinion :
When you realize they need you just as much as you need them.

Cara walks out of the bathroom with a baggy shirt on. It's somehow a routine we've adopted over time with one another. When it's hot we both sleep in baggy shirts. When it gets slightly colder, I tend to put on as many items of clothing as I can to stay warm while Cara makes zero alternations on her attire.

She comes over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. I subconsciously rest my hands over hers as she gives my cheek a sweet kiss.

"I kind of sneaked it into my a suitcase when you were at D&G's shoot." She confesses the crime she committed. I glance at the shirt in front of us. "Well I have been looking for it ever since." It's her turn to giggle as she plants a kiss on my neck.

"Sorry... I was just embarrassed to tell anyone." "Why?" I turn my head around to face her.

My glance falls into her ocean blue orbs and turns into a gaze. I always feel like someone locked whole universe in her eyes and threw away the key. I see the oceans, the sky, many stars, paths of rivers and even the sun in them. It's shining brightly in her intense stare.

Her gaze leaves my eyes and travels to my lips as I feel her heart beat faster against me. I look down at her cheekbones, her nose, her lips, her jaw and again her eyes to see her stare burning through me.

She leans in softly and I immediately close my eyes. Our lips lock in an extremely intense kiss. I feel the fire burning inside. How I missed our kisses. I bring my hand up and cup her cheek as she deepens the kiss.

She runs her tongue over my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly. She slides her tongue in. She kisses me deeply and carefully, as if I'm the most fragile glass one can think of.

We pull away panting breathlessly as Cara pecks my lips once again. "I missed you." I remind her. She smiles again and pecks my lips one more time. "Me too."

"God I almost forgot." She smiles and walks over to her suitcase. She carefully places it on the ground and opens the zipper. "Here!" She hands me a gift wrapped box. "What is it?" She grins. "Open and see!"

I excitedly and carefully unfold the wrapping. "Just tear it up already!" Cara whines. "I'm going to keep the wrapping!" She sighs. "It's not fun if you don't tear it! This is too sloooow." I giggle. "It's almost don..." I freeze. "No you didn't!!!" She smiles. "Do you like it?"

I hug her tightly. "I really love it!! I can't believe you remembered this." She got me an Eiffel drawing. Not just any, The one I said I liked the last time we visited Paris together. The shop was closed so we really couldn't t get it back then.

"Thank you." I pull away from the hug. "You're very welcome." She smiles. "Where should I hang it?" She thinks for a second. "Let's do it tomorrow..?" I nod my head. "Yeah you're tired now." "I'm not tired!" She protests. "Let's hang it right now then!" She stays silent for a moment.

"What are you..." She suddenly grabs my by the waist and throws both of us on the bed. I giggle miserably. "Cheater!" She turns the light off and jumps on bed giggling. "Express delivery!" I laugh. "Indeed!" We both slip under covers. I tightly hug Cara's side and listen to the steady rhythm of her heart. I missed sleeping like this.

"I love you." She whispers as she kisses the side of my head. I kiss her neck and breathe her scent in again. "I Iove you." Unlike the past, I fall asleep almost immediately.


A loud tick wakes me up in the middle of the night. I notice my phone. It must have fallen from the nightstand. It was buzzing on the ground. I try to get out of Cara's tight hold on my stomach but she holds on tighter. "Stay." She kisses my neck. I wrap my arm over hers and smile. Whatever it is, it's got to wait.


So this was chapter two. Your votes comments really do help me a whole lot. thank you so much for leaving them!

Also please tell me what you think so far. Thank you

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