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Have you ever just felt so unwanted. Like you're everyone's last choice. The very last thing anyone will resort to.

As a darkskinned black girl, it's how I feel everyday.

I go to a predominantly white school. It's probably 33% black people if that. And it's like..black girls, especially dark black girls, we are pushed to the bottom. Nobody fucks with us. You got the black boy, everybody loves the black boy. He's everyone's "nigga" and he's basically the most popular guy at school. Everyone wants his approval from clothes, to shoes, to slang. And he gives it to them.

The black girl likes the black boy. But the black boy, likes Rachel.

Rachel's white. With pale, pasty skin. Rachel has thin, red lips. Rachel has long, straight blonde hair. Rachel has beautiful blue eyes that changes color depending on her mood. Rachel is beautifully stunning. Rachel is everything the black girl is not.

So the black girl is left unwanted. Unwanted because her features contradict Rachel's beauty. The black girl has dark, deeply melanated skin that glows in light and darkness. The black girl has full, juicy, plump lips. The black girls has kinky, coarse hair that reaches for her ancestors in the stars above. The black girl has a curvy, voluptuous body that is deemed too big. The black girl has bland, brown eyes that brim with tears. They brim with tears because she is not Rachel. She is everything but Rachel. Rachel is everything the black boy wants. Everything everyone wants.

So that leaves the black girl unwanted.

If you've ever felt this way, this is for you.

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