Chapter Twenty Five: If I Never See Your Face Again

Start from the beginning

" the hell didn't I see?...fuck...that bitch..."

Adam stood up and punched the wall behind him, I was the only one to jump as I wasn't use to seeing him like this. Mickey turned off the recordings so that all that could be heard in the room was Adam's heavy breathing.

"I was an idiot...I let myself get played...fuck she's probably told them everything...I was could I be so blind?"

"Because you loved her Adam, you didn't want to see any bad because you were happy."

His head snapped in my direction. What made me say that I'll never know, it probably hurt me more to admit it. I wanted him to be miserable and leave Behati and come back to me but he never did because he was happier with her than he was with me. Just then the babies decided to kick quite hard taking me by surprise and all the werewolves in the room turned their attention to me. Adam bowed his head slightly before looking me dead in the eyes and took a step towards me.

"Hazel I'm sorry. I treated you the worse of everyone. Can you forgive me?"

Something inside me snapped and suddenly I didn't feel bad about Adam getting betrayed and crushed. Because he'd tossed me aside like I was nothing and now he thought an apology was good enough. I scoffed and stood up backing away from him.

"Don't think a little apology will get you off the hook Levine. I was carrying your actual children but you tossed us away. The only reason you marked me was to gain more power for the pack and the babies were an inconvenience. As far as I'm concerned you're not the father because you don't have a decent bone in your body. Go to hell and leave me alone."


I was taken aback by Hazel's sudden outburst. Her voice sounded defeated when she mentioned me being happier with Behati than when I was with her. She was my mate and luna but Behati and I had a longer history. The media would have eaten Hazel alive and Behati was more media trained, but I was a dick to her. I didn't make an effort after she left to contact her because I assumed she would come back to me.

Her and the unborn twins were never an inconvenience but I went about the subject wrong. And when Hazel told Behati that Matt was the father to spite me hurt, and it was the fact Behati shipped Matt and Hazel together flipped a switch in my head. Acting like a heartless douchebag allowed me to feel better about myself. Hazel never did anything wrong but she got hung out to dry.

All I could do was watch as she stormed out of the lounge with the babies still kicking, my babies.

"You've made a big mess Adam. You chose your ex over pack. Anyone could see that Hazel made you smile and Behati drained that happiness away. You don't deserve her forgiveness."

Jesse was right I didn't deserve her forgiveness but she was part of this pack and my mate so I still wanted to be a part of her life.

"Matt and James have been to more scans and hospital checks Adam. You have a lot to make up for."

Jesse was doing a good job at pointing out how bad of a human being I'd been. The others hadn't spoken that much but I could sense they were all on the same page as Jesse. However when my beta mentioned James I didn't see him in the room, where was he? He came second to winning Hazel back at the minute though.

"I will find a way to make things right guys, we'll be a whole pack again soon."


The fresh air was already calming me down, I was proud of myself not giving in and falling back into Adam's arms easily like the wolf part of me wanted. I needed Adam to be guilty, despite only being in the same room as him for a few minutes I was reminded why I let him mark me. Why did he still have to be as hot as hell? I'd been a mess after the breakup but he still looked fine.

"What are you doing here Hazel? Is Adam in?"

Hers was the last voice I wanted to hear. I looked up from the ground and my blood was already boiling as I took in a smiling Behati who still thought none of us knew the truth. A growl escaped my lips and Behati froze before her eyes widened.

"Get out of here Behati you're not welcome anymore. Go back to Derek, the real father of your child."

She threw her head back and laughed before her hand made contact with my cheek.

"Adam won't believe you because he loves me. I know Matt isn't your baby's father either, Adam really does get around."

Clutching my cheek I saw red and slapped her back before lunging at her. I knew I couldn't do much because we were both pregnant but I had to make her pay for hurting me. She poisoned Adam with her venom, if she never came back into his life none of this shit would have happened. Behati was the problem.

"Adam get Hazel."

Matt's voice came clear through my haze and then I felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around me and pull me away from Behati.

"Calm down Hazel...listen to my voice...deep breaths..."

I closed my eyes and focused on Adam's voice, I took deep breathes and a wave of calmness came over me when he intertwined his fingers in mine.

"She attacked ne Adam, she's crazy."

Behati was a brilliant actress but it was time for her last curtain call. Adam sighed behind me while keeping his arms around me.

"Behati drop the act, I know the truth. Derek is the father. What have you told them about us?"

Behati looked stunned for a second but then her confident facade came back on.

"They know everything Adam. Oh and Hazel Derek can't wait to cut those mutts out of you."

I wanted to lunge at her again but Adam kept me grounded from full on attacking her, if he wanted to cut my babies out I could easily rip his throat out and maybe rip Behati's baby out in the process. She laughed, she wanted a reaction out of me and she got one purple eyes and claws included.

"Hazel...she wants a reaction...deep breaths...think about your don't lose keep us all calm...deep breaths love..."

It was hard to fight back against the rage but Adam was right about me not letting her win. I told myself I needed to think about the health of my babies and that calmed me down just enough for the red haze to disappear from my sight.

"Oi bitch stay away from my best friend and my nieces or nephews."

Rachel and James walked into sight and with a flick of her wrist Rachel sent Behati stumbling backwards. It was strange to watch Behati battle against the invisible force Rachel was controlling with her wrist. She was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

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