Chapter 48

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Hallie's P.O.V

Wow, these last 2 weeks have flown by! It's crazy how quick it's gone and today's the day they leave. I won't see them for two months. I haven't gone a day without them since I moved here. It's going to be weird moping around New Jersey without the funniest people I've ever come across. I sure am gonna miss them so much. I didn't realise how much I relied on them for happiness and mischief. The thought of not seeing them for 2 months knocks me to tears, how will I cope when I have to actually wave them off? I'm currently lying next to Ethan. It's 4am and I can't sleep. I'm scared he will forget me or find someone better. No matter how much he keeps saying it won't happen it will always be in the back of my mind. It's not that I don't trust him because I do, it's just I know there are better people out there for him. I sigh tiredly. I felt him shift next to me, "What's up babe?" He asked tiredly. Oh how much I will miss that morning voice. I shook my head, "Nothing, go back to sleep. You have your flight tomorrow." I said stroking his face.

"No, tell me. I don't care about my flight. You need me so sleep can wait." He smiled.

"Don't take this the wrong way but I'm scared you'll find someone better than me." I admitted sheepishly, "I'm scared you'll realise you can do better than me."

"I won't ever. Trust me babe! You're the only one I want. I just hope you'll be waiting for me by the time I get back."

"Of course I'll be waiting." He got up and grabbed 2 of his sweatshirts, "Come on." He said giving me one of them.

"Where are we going?" I asked. It's 4am, there isn't much to do.

"The beach. One last visit before I leave. I know it calms you down."

We jumped in the car and got there in a few minutes considering no one was out yet. We sat along the beach and watch the tide roll in and out.

"Whenever you're missing me come here and it will remind you of me." He told me.

"And whenever you're missing me go to your nearest beach and you can remember me." I told him, "I am gonna miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too Hal. So much!"

We just sat on the beach snuggled up to each other and wouldn't want it any other way. I could feel myself falling in and out of sleep.


"We're fine ... No we fell asleep on the beach ... She's still asleep ... We'll be home soon ... okay, bye." I heard Ethan on the phone. I opened my eyes to find us on the beach still.

"Good morning." I said still tired.

"Good morning babe, sleep well?" I nodded, "We have to leave. Grayson wants me to check I have everything packed before we leave."

"Let's go then." I said getting up. I love this kid. He stopped me and hugged me.

"I love you." He said. I paused for a minute. This is the first time he's ever said that.

"I love you too." I told him and he kissed me better than he ever has before.

"Before we leave let's take a walk along the beach and go cliff diving!" He exlaimed happily. I couldn't say no to that face. So that's what we did. We just spent time together laughing. At the top of the cliff we held hands and jumped together. The water was absolutely freezing once we reached it but it felt good.

We left to go back to his and when we got there Grayson came running up to us, "Me and Wills were so worried when we woke up! When did you leave?"

I laughed, "About 4am."

"Cheeky couple. We were worried sick." Willow said hugging me, "You're freezing cold!" She shouted.

"We went cliff jumping this morning." I smiled.

"Hallie! Help me pack my last bits!" I heard Ethan shout from upstairs. I ran up to him and helped him. Once we were finished he kissed me. I'm gonna miss this. Miss the closeness. All I keep thinking is that it's only 2 months but then the little devil in my mind says that 2 months is a long time.


It's time. Time to leave for the airport. I'm with Ethan, Grayson, Willow, Cameron and the twins' Mom and Dad. When we get to the airport there's a cut off point so then we have to leave them.

They're ready to move up the stairs to security and we can't go there so we have to say goodbye. I don't want to. They hugged their parents first then moved to Cameron, then Willow and lastly me.

I hugged Grayson first, "Go and see my Mom whilst we're gone please. I don't want her to be lonely." I nodded and laughed, "And don't replace me as you're best friend."

"I could never replace you Gray! You better not replace me!"

"Never!" He hugged me again, tightly.

"See you in 2 months." He whispered.

Next Ethan. I can already feel tears forming. He pulled me into a hug which I returned.

"I'll see you soon babe." He whispered.

"I'm counting down the days already! I'll miss you!" I laughed.

"I'll miss you too. I'll ring or facetime you everyday, I promise." He told me.

"Good!" He pulled me in for a kiss and we heard Grayson wolf-whistle which made us laugh and pull apart.

"Both of you have fun, yeah?" I told them both. They nodded and after one last group hug they left. I watched them run and act like little kids right up until I couldn't see them anymore. Before I even realised it I was crying. See you in 2 months boys. 2 months too long.

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