Chapter 5

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Hallie's P.O.V

"Hallie Carlyle, where have you been?" I heard as soon as I entered my house.

"I was only at the fro-yo place, get off my back!"

"And who were them boys? You told me there were none!" Brandon joined.

"Can I not do anything without being questioned? I was meant to be going with just Willow but Ethan and Grayson were there as well, alright?" I shouted, why can I not do anything without being interrogated?

I stormed up to my room and slammed the door shut. About 10-15 minutes later my Dad came in, "Are you okay pumpkin?"

"Yeah, it's just, I thought everyone was gonna give me more freedom coming here you know, a fresh start. But I go out for a few hours and everyone is wondering where I am shouting at me for no reason at all. As for Brandon, he needs to let loose a bit. Do you want to know what Grayson asked me before?" He nodded for me to continue, "He asked me if Brandon was my jealous boyfriend!" I told him, we both started laughing.

"I think that just shows how much he needs to calm down. But it shows that Bran cares about you. I know his over-protectiveness can be a bit inconvenient sometimes but some older brothers don't care about their little sisters, so be glad that he'll always be there for you."

"I suppose, but it can get too much sometimes. I feel suffocated, like I can't do anything without him watching my every move."

"I get it sweetheart, I'll talk to him for you."

"Thank you."

"It's alright sweetheart, I love you." He said exiting, "I love you too."

That's the thing with my Dad he can always cheer me up and he always knows what to say to make situations better.

When we were out before we all swapped numbers so now it's like our friendship is official.


Ethan: Hey, is everything alright with your fam? x

Hallie: Mom was worried because I'm in a new place and Brandon is just playing the over-protective brother role, everything will be okay x

Ethan: Aw cute, mom's natural instinct is to worry and being a brother to a sister myself I understand where your brother's coming from x

Hallie: It can get so annoying at times but I love him anyway x

Ethan: He's got your best intentions at heart x

Hallie: I suppose x

Ethan: Trust me he does, if you ever need to talk about anything I'm here to listen x

Hallie: Thanks Eth, same goes x

Ethan: xxx

I decided to leave it at that. I'm glad that I've found friends when I've only been to school for one day. It makes things so much easier.

*Next Day*

I woke up still feeling a bit angry at how they treat me like a baby, I'm 15. I heard a knock on my door, "Hey sis, sorry about last night."

"It's alright."

"Nope, no it isn't I should let you do your own thing and be friends with who you want to be friends with, I can't stop you." He said, coming over to hug me, I just hugged back.

"But seriously though, nothing's going on with them boys is there?"

"Honestly there isn't, if there was you'd be the 1st person I'd tell."

"Good, let's keep it that way." I just giggled in response.

"Have a good day spud." He shouted as I left for school.

I was stuck in my own thoughts until I heard a car beep its horn at me, it shocked me at first but then I heard Willow laughing out the window.

"You want a lift?"

"If you don't mind."

"Jump in!"

"You seemed a bit scared when we beeped." She said laughing.

"I was in a world of my own."

As we turned into school her Mom told us to have a good day, I thanked her and we headed to start the day.

When we got to homeroom the boys were already there surprisingly.

"Hey bestiesss!" Grayson shouted whilst running up to us.

"Hey girlies!" Ethan shouted, not far behind him.

All of a sudden we were engulfed in a group hug and ended up collapsing in a heap on the floor, making us all laugh.

"Boys, girls what on earth are you doing?" A stern voice shouted.

We all looked at each other and started laughing more.

"I suggest you get up and I don't expect to hear another peep out of you!"

We all got up stifling giggles, today is gonna be fun, I can feel it.

New Life, New Jersey / Dolan Twins FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon