Chapter 4

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Hallie's P.O.V

I finally got home from the 1st day, it actually went really well.

"Hallllll, how was your 1st day?" Brandon asked.

"It actually went really, really well. I'm actually kinda happy we moved here now because I think this will be good for me Bran."

"See, I always know what's best for you little sis."

"That's what you think."

"Hey, that's what I know darling."

"Okay whatever helps you sleep at night!" This made him laugh.

"So any boys on the scene?" I immediately thought of Ethan, I don't know why, I mean we only spoke once.


"There was hesitation, so who is he?"

"There is no one Brandonnn."

"Good because I don't want to be replaced, I'm your favourite boy."

"Forever dude."

Me and my family are pretty close, that's why we couldn't let him move alone. Living at home without him would be a lot worse than having to start a fresh. Brothers can be so annoying but honestly they're the best thing ever too.


Willow: Hey my darling new bestie

Hallie: Hello pumpkin, what's up?

Willow: The sky obviously, jks jks, do you know where the fro-yo place is?

Hallie: Yesss, why?

Willow: Meet you there in like 20

Hallie: Okay

"Bran, I'm going out!"

"Where and who with?"

"Fro-yo place and Willow."

"Okay, be back before dark, I'll tell Mom and Dad when they're home!"


Turns out its only 10 minutes away and Willow isn't here yet, sucks. I decided to just sit at one of the tables and wait for her before ordering.

The bell on the door rung indicating someone was walking in, I looked up expecting it to be Willow but it wasn't, it was the twins from school.

I looked away, trying not to be nosey but I heard the chair opposite me scraped along the floor as it was pulled back. I looked up and saw, I'm guessing, Ethan, but I couldn't be completely sure.


"Hey, what are you doing alone?"

"I'm waiting for Willow, she should be here soon."

"Ah right, is it alright if me and Grayson sit with you?" So it is Ethan then.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine." I smiled.

"Hey, Eth are we sitting there?" I heard his brother shout as he came out of the toilets.


"So, who's this then Ethy boy, going to introduce me?"

"Hallie, Grayson, Grayson, Hallie." He pointed.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too babe, is she the one you were talking about before?" He directed the question to Ethan.

"Hallieeee, sorry I'm late!" Willow shouted upon her entrance, this distracted the boys from their conversation but I really wanted to know the answer, had he been talking about me?

"Hey, Wills, I was early don't worry about it." I smiled.

"Hi." Grayson said.

"Erm, hi."

"Oh yeah the boys are gonna be sitting with us. Unless that's a problem?"

"Oh no no that's fine, I was just a little confused."

*4 hours later*

I was getting on really well with all 3 of them. We all seemed a lot closer and Willow was right, the boys are nice, down to earth people.

We were just getting ready to walk home when my phone started ringing:

Brandon: Where are you? Mom's worried sick.

Hallie: I told you, I'm at the fro-yo place.

Brandon: Yeah, 4 hours ago Hall!

Hallie: Sorry, I lost track of time but we're just about to leave.

The boys were messing about and making me laugh.

Brandon: Hallie, it's not funny.

Hallie: I know, it's just Ethan and Grayson, they're so funny.

Brandon: You said no boys.

Hallie: Oh whatever Bran, I'll see you soon.

I hung up knowing that a full lecture was going to come about how I have to watch what boys I'm friends with etc etc, all the over-protective brother stuff.

"I need to go home because Mom's 'worried sick' but I don't want to because I know Bran is gonna lecture me 'you told me there were no boys'"

"Aw is Bran your jealous boyfriend?" Grayson asked, in an annoying voice you do when you're teasing someone.

I started laughing, "No, Bran is my over-protective big brother."

He mouthed 'Ooh'

"I better get going anyway, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll walk back with you." Willow told me.

We hugged the boys and said our goodbyes.

At first when we were walking home, Willow said, "Ethan wouldn't stop staring at you."

"Don't start this again." I said with a giggle.

The rest of the way we didn't speak about it.

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