Chapter 14

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Hallie's P.O.V

It's the end of the day and we're just about leaving to go home and I'm so nervous about what Brandon is gonna say. He's either gonna actually be really sorry or it's another excuse to argue with me, I'm hoping it's the first one. Although I'm nervous I'm sort of pumped just in case he's starts another rant.

"Hallie, if you need anything later just text me, okay?"

Aw, Ethan is so cute, "Thanks, I think everything will be okay tonight, if not I'll let you know."

"Good, try and get on good terms with your parents, then we can go away for a weekend!"

"I'll still come to that Eth! I have my own money, they'll just have to deal with it!"

"Don't get yourself in any more trouble than you have too!"

"I'll try not too! I'll see you both soon."


As I got closer and closer to my house I started to feel more anxious! I don't really know what to expect.

I walked through the door and found Mom, Dad and Brandon all sat in the living room, "Erm, hi."

"Hi, we all want to talk to you."

"I gathered."

My Mom's expression changed and she raised her voice, "Don't start with the attitude!" I decided I better not reply, I need to get in their good books so I can go away with the twins.

Brandon looked up at me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, "I'm sorry about last night Hal!"

My Mom looked at him surprised, "Why are you apologising? It's Hallie who should be apologising at everything she's put us through." What?

"Because I realised I was in the wrong! I said some horrible things."

"Mom can't we just drop all of this, forget it ever happened? It was a long time ago so it shouldn't even be brought up now anyway!"

"She's right Mom."

"Well, I suppose so but I'll be watching out for you. One step out of line and you'll be in big trouble!"

"No, that's not fair! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Finally Brandon was actually sticking up for me! I never thought I'd see the day in this situation.

Even though I was humbled by Brandon sticking up for me I knew this would cause another argument, "No, let's just leave it. Not another word is to be said about it. I'm gonna go upstairs, I've got an important call to make. Unless you need to talk about something else?"

"No, go ahead."

I ran upstairs, feeling a bit confused about what happened. I rang Ethan.

Ethan: Hello

Hallie: Hi, it went quite well

Ethan: That's good, what did they say?

Hallie: We're gonna forget about it because it was a long time ago

Ethan: That's good! Me and Gray are looking at going to either New York or Cali

Hallie: Bloody hell, talk about opposite sides of the country

Ethan: I know but it will be fun

Hallie: True, when you find out price tell me and I'll play on it

Ethan: Will do, talk later

Hallie: Byeee

Brandon burst into my room, "Who was that?"

I grabbed onto my chest indicating that he scared me, "Jesus Brandon! It was Ethan."

He laughed, "Sorry about that. What price is he finding out?"

"Just about a little trip for me, him, Gray and Willow."

"Mom won't let you go."

"That's why I need time to play on it."

"She still won't let you."

"Well ... you could help me?"

"Like she'd listen to me Hal!"

"Trust me Bran she would! Just say that it will help if I have some time away from it all. Anyway I need to find out where and how much yet."

"Well I suppose I could put a word in for you!"

"Thanks Bran, you're the best."

"Just call it compensation." I started laughing.

"So how are you and Nellie getting along?"

"Really well! I'm going out with her again on Saturday so, erm, help me with an outfit?"

"Of course I will, where are you going?"

"Just to the movies I think."

Brandon stayed in my room pretty much all night. It's nice to be able to talk to him about anything and everything again.

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