Chapter 41 -The Ambush

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Derek and I kept on running through the woods. It felt like we've been running for more than an hour. We were both running on all fours. He was running in front of me all because he was the faster one.

After a while, I felt like I couldn't breathe any longer. Just as I was about to stop to get some rest, I could hear running footsteps from behind. At first, I thought it was just some random person going for short run in the night. But this guy was really fast and was catching up to me.. Fast..

The footsteps became more than just one person. I tried to concentrate on my hearing for just a second. 3? No.. This was more than that. 4? Maybe.  No, there was 5 of them.

Wait a minute, I knew this scent. My eyes suddenly widened once I realized who's scent these belonged to. Not who, I meant what!!!

Damn that Peter should really put a leach on his dogs. After a second, one of them managed to catch up and ran just a few trees away on my right. I looked to my left, another one of them appeared. I started running on all fours as fast as my legs could take me.

Derek was probably far away by now. But still, I have a feeling that these dogs won't have a single ounce of mercy on poor old me would they?

They were both starting to get closer to me by the sides. Before they could get close enough, I immediately stopped running and slid across the ground just to try and shake them off. I took out my claws and put it against the ground to break the sliding.

Those two were-dogs were now lost in sight. Once I got up, before I could start running again in another direction, the rest of those were-dog pack finally caught up. There were three of them. The one in the middle spotted and pounced at me.

I knew I had absolutely no chance of escaping them. Just before it made contact with me, I fully shifted, grabbed and threw  it hard into a tree behind me. I immediately roared as it crashed and hit the ground. The other two didn't pounce at me, instead, they came and circled around me, getting ready to attack.

I'm just gonna call them were-dog 1,were-dog 2 until 5 just so it doesn't get confusing. Were-dog 1 which was the one that I threw into the tree had finally gotten up. Making it three of them circling me. Now that is just G-R-E-A-T.

Were-dog 1 finally got tired of waiting and jumped at me. I grabbed it by its shoulder and stomach and threw it against the ground behind me. Just as I was about to claw it on the face, were-dog 2 took that opportunity to pounce on me at my back. I fell down on the ground.

I immediately turned around on the ground and saw its big ugly mouth opening up to tear my face apart. I raised my right hand to block. My hand got caught in its mouth and its teeth got sucked into my very skin. I roared in pain as it started pulling my hand apart. It felt as though my fingers were going numb after all that pain.

Were-dog 3 jumped into the tearing-Scott-apart competition. Before it could reach my neck. I raised my left hand and held its neck at arms length. I could feel every ounce of its strength pushing against my hand towards my neck. My left claws were starting to dig into its very skin to help distract it from pushing against me.

Were-dog 1 got up and started running against me. I had to do something before it reaches me and kills me for sure. I immediately used both of my legs and pushed were-dog 3 away with all of my leg power.

I used my legs again to kick were-dog 1 away from getting to me. Then, I used my free hand to claw were-dog 2 which was still chewing on to my left hand. It still didn't let go of me. I tried putting my right hand into its mouth and opened its mouth against its will. It was starting to open up until my left hand finally got free. Once free, I jumped up and kicked it in its chess with both of my legs. It got lifted into the air and knocked hard into a tree.

Again as usual, they got back up. Damn these thing don't give up, do they. They slowly inched closer towards me as I slowly backed away until my back hit a tree behind me. I had absolutely no place to escape.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a dark figure jumped in front of me  and started running towards those weredogs, making them back away a little. I just stood there and watched him fight all three of them with some flashy moves. After a few seconds, I realized that it was Jackson.

I immediately smiled as two more of those weredogs got thrown into this battleground, literally. Those two weredogs immediately got up to face whoever it was that threw them there. Jackson backed away from them because he knew he wouldn't be able to take on five of them alone. The two of us watched as Derek suddenly came into view.

In a flash, Derek wolf-speeded until he now stood in front of us both. He looked like he had been beaten up pretty bad. His clothes were all torn apart. His face had a few long cuts and bruises.

"They actually caught up to you?" I asked but he ignored. "Damn Derek, You must be getting slow in your old age " I said and he Immediately  turned and glared at me which I did not dare to return back.

"What are you doing here? " He asked Jackson

" I came to help you" He said before adding " We heard what happened"

"We?" I asked and Jackson nodded. I knew what he meant.

The weredogs started to circle around us while growling, making us go all back to back mode. They stood up on their hind legs, making them look so much more bigger than us put together. They started closing in until we heard someone roar.

All three of us looked around and saw another figure standing on one of the tree branches. His eyes were glowing red, His roar was so loud that it made all five of the weredogs back away from us, slowly. It was also very loud that it made me feel a little disoriented.

I looked a little closer at the new figure as he started making his way towards us, making the weredogs run back into the woods to wherever they came from.

"Well well well, look who it is?" Derek said as the figure was now standing in front us.

"What took you so long?" Jackson asked the man. He was an incredibly tall guy, he looked like he was in his fifties.His clothes were all  ragged like they hadn't washed in days. But this man, I knew him. I haven't seen him in a very very long time.

"Well I had to make sure that there weren't anymore of those things around" He saidd before finally looking at me and smiling "Hello Sc-" He said before he got interrupted by a solid punch from me to his stomach. He immediately fell to his knees as one of his hands gripped his stomach where I hit him.

"I guess I deserved that" He said before looking back up at me. I stared at him for a second before going forward to lend him a hand to get up. We both stared at each other for a really long time. I could see a tear falling from his both of his eyes. I could also feel my own tear forming and making its way down to cheeks. We both continued staring before we both started hugging each other.

"I'm so sorry, Scott. I'm sorry I couldn't make it home after what happened that night" He started crying and so did I. But I couldn't say anything back. Nothing at all. But the important thing is.

He's here now with me, and that's more than enough.


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! long time no seeee

I'm so sorry I have not been able to update in a really long timeee. Wattpad was giving me trouble, thus making me wait this long just start updating again...

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hopefully, I shall be able to update again...

Byeeee, see ya guys next time. Have a nice day :)

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