Chapter Fourteen - Teach Me (Pt 1)

Comenzar desde el principio

When he paused for too long, Emaia cut in. "Well?"

Aide sighed again before looking at her. "It's very intimate. In order for me to show you, I'd have to go a little physical on you."

"Okaaay..." Emaia said and made a confused frown. "That seems alright?"

"We would have to simulate the attack slowly, as if I was attacking you," Aide continued with a controlled voice. "I'd have to pretend to be a rapist."

"Oh." Now she understood. He was uncomfortable playing a role he despised more than anything, and on top of that, he would have to grab her in ways that might seem inappropriate. "I understand if you don't want to do it. I—"

"Emaia I'm not concerned about myself," Aide cut in. "You experienced something very traumatic and I don't want to teach you this if it's going to bring back memories that are too painful."

Emaia frowned and looked at how protective he was acting. He was always protective, but somehow this seemed different.

"Aide..." She started and took a few steps forward. "I know what happened was terrible, but the truth is... you stopped it before it actually happened."

"I know I did, but—"

"You don't have to be afraid of scaring me," Emaia said and looked into his crystal eyes. "This will be different. I know you won't be trying to rape me, but trying to teach me."

Aide pressed his lips together and studied her face for a while. His eyes still read concern, but she knew he was going to agree.

"Fine," He said and sighed. "The decision is up to you."

Emaia smiled and nodded. "Then let's get started!"

"Alright," Aide sighed for the last time and warmed up his arms with a quick stretch. "We'll start off by you facing away from me. I'll come up behind you and wrap my arms around your neck and waist. We'll do this slowly so I can guide you through the attack. Got it?"

"Got it," Emaia confirmed and turned her back on him. "Go for it."

He stepped up behind her and suddenly she could feel his warmth radiating into her back. "I whirl my arm around your waist, like this..." She saw his arm curl around her stomach, as well as her arms, and then he gently pressed her body towards his, " keep you from escaping and lock in your arms. If the attacker is strong, you're already defenseless by now." He said close to her ear.

Emaia swallowed as she felt his soft breath caress the shell of her ear. Her body was pressed right up against his torso and she could feel every contour of his rock-like figure. It was practically a backwards embrace. "O-okay, I'm with you so far."

"Good," He murmured and slowly rose his other hand to her neck. "Now I bring my other hand around your throat." He softly placed his hand around her slender neck, so carefully, she barely felt his touch. "The attacker will squeezes tight enough to cut off most of your air supply, thus diminishing your ability to cry for help."

He gently pressed his hand a little tighter around her throat, but nowhere near enough to even make her cough. Emaia felt very self-conscious about everything her body normally did. Breathe, swallow—even blinking. His hand was resting on top of her pulse, and she didn't doubt he could feel it racing.

"By now your attacker will already have the advantage. You could try and wrestle his hold, but it will only cause him to hold that much tighter." Aide instructed her, his voice as steady as himself. "As unorthodox as it sounds, the best thing you can do is wait until he gets you on the ground."

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