Chapter Twelve

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As the Unseely King led me to the meeting place between every kingdom, I soon realized how much I missed Awnin's town and my steel church; the comfort they had brought would no longer be mine to have ever again. I wondered how many human's had died in the war yesterday and how many would truly be free of Awnin and be happy forever.

I would envy them of their freedom, I admitted to myself, because soon enough not even I would have the everlasting freedom that they'd soon acquire. I was not jealous of these humans though, I would never be jealous of them for what Destiny had spoken was pure wishes had come true and although they would not remember my saving them, they would have my story available to them forever.

"We need to speed up, Unseely King. I have no time for such dawdling," I spoke aloud. I watched as the Unseely King's faery minions sucked in harsh breaths of shock and outrage towards my command. The Unseely King however had stopped in his tracks, thinking over what he'd say.

"You want to get there faster? You want to get there faster as to save your flesh-walking fiends? Is that what you want?" The Unseely King coldly mocked. His faeries breathed out and evilly grinned. I did not like how they reacted nor how the Unseely King reacted to my command, something terrible was going on and it had to do with the Unseely King. I nodded, knowing that somehow the Unseely King could see it.

"Well, I for one certainly think you've done enough 'playing the hero' for one day, don't you think? I think it is time you actually started acting like a real faery and soon a real faery ruler. Let the human's win their own battles, they are not your problem anymore. We walk forward!" the Unseely King yelled his command and continued to walk with his people.

I shook my head a little peeved at the Unseely King's words and slowly remembered what Destiny, the fire faery had said, "All you need to do is jump."

Looking around hopeful to find a ledge but finding nothing but a grassy plain. There were no living creatures, no water, no trees, not even rocks were visible here. Angrily, I followed the Unseely King and hoped to any god that the way that he was leading me was actually the meeting place and not somewhere of unimportance or worse dangerous. I wouldn't have been surprised though if it had been. The Unseely King didn't seem like the type to follow rules.

But, I did have to admit he had a likeness of my real father and although he obviously wasn't, I had this sudden gut feeling that maybe he was and that Destiny would know if it were so. Supposedly, she knew everything in the faery realms except for the fact, how much damage the faeries actually caused, I thought; maybe she will know the answer towards why the Unseely King and my father looked alike. Catching up to the Unseely King, I decided to question him and see if he knew me at all and if he knew my actual father.

"So, Unseely King, so you know my name?" I questioned. My arms crossed as if to say I too can be a complete bastard too. The Unseely King shrugged his shoulders casually as if it wasn't worth knowing. As if, it really didn't matter and maybe, to him it really didn't. But to me it did.

"My name is Justice and I am the only son of Zachariah Ashford," I yelled aloud to anyone that could hear me. The faeries flittered excitedly about for a bit before returning to their original posture and continuing towards the meeting place.

"None of that in the human world matters to us anymore. Just another bigger insult to us faeries, your own kind; you best heed the warning, boy, before you too end up in more trouble than I could ever accomplish in one day," the Unseely King spat sarcastically.

I groaned, "It would have been so much easier if Zachariah were here, he was once a faery king too, you know?" I commented, kicking the grass at my feet.

"Was he now?" the Unseely King asked with curiousness.

"Yes, he was the last deceased Seely faery King. He saved the whole of Scotland – the human worlds – by giving up his freedom and war status to become a faery king," I said remembering the commander's comments earlier.

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