Chapter Ten

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I screamed as liquid gushed down my lips uncontrollably, my gums screaming in pain, as my teeth grew ten times bigger than any normal humans would. My eyes continued to flash with constant, uncontrolled memories of things held back from me due to my 'supposed' brain damage that my Aunt Marnie had a role in. My nails bled at the joining of the nail and finger, as they grew into dagger-like, albino claws.

"He's turning!" I heard someone yell and point at me, but I did not pay any attention to their warnings, I only paid attention to the pain. My nostrils flared and I slowly saw everything in a pinkish tinge. I doubled over onto my back, spit and blood seeping out of my mouth convulsively.

The crunching noises started and did it hurt. It was as if my bones were splitting in half and becoming stronger, I could feel it as they moved and spilt apart within me, which meant that I had extra spare bones. I cried out, as something ripped through my muscles, nerves, tendons, and skin. Until many long, white bones were protruding from my back. I was bleeding to death and pained deep down seeing all these memories that were of my family and I, both joyful, angry and saddening at times but beautiful, amazing memories that were kept from me.

After the transformation was complete, I stayed down trying to regain a sense of calm, steady breathing and see things in a new light...a faeries vision. I looked up and saw myself in the smashed glass on the ground. My eyes flew open wide in shock. The transformation was complete, and I was the monster in the windowpane, I was the monster in one of Awnin's ancient mirrors.

"Is that what you were talking about?" I asked aloud to the steel panels of the roof; wondering if the faery would answer my calls. I heard muffled murmuring beside me and looked over to where the commander stood and beside him was the woman of my dreams, Seary. Before she had seen me as a caring, loving man. But now? She was looking at me as if I was nothing but the dirt under her feet. I looked away, tears stinging my eyes. I am a monster, I thought.

I struggled to stand because of my wings unbalancing me but soon found my balance. The commander aimed his pistol at my forehead; I looked at it and never blinked, only whispered, "I have accepted my fate, have you?"

"And what is this fate you have, Justice?" The commander asked. He kept his aim straight.

"My fate is to save all of you humans. My fate is to stay here and become the next faery king, for if I stay here all the human's will be saved and released from Awnin," I acknowledged my fate sadly. I'd once wanted to be just like my father but now, now that I had friends and had found my soulmate. It didn't make any sense to me. Why would I give all that up? I thought. But I knew the answer. If I gave up all that I was in the human world and took on my true name and self, not only would I save the humans that lived in Awnin from faeries, they'd also be safe from the monster I was and released from these realms and back to where they surely belong...the human world.

"Is that so?" The commander asked quite surprised. I nodded. The only person who would be hurting in the end would be me, as I replayed everything in Awnin I had let go.

"Is that why the faeries left when your father disappeared?" Seary asked curiously. I simply shrugged my shoulders. I really did not know the answer to any questions about my father. I could only guess. In fact, I was very angry with both him and myself. Had I remembered all these lost or forgotten memories, I would have understood the warnings and could prepare; maybe even do something as to stop the faeries.

I turned away as Mr McCallistar, Don, Brae, and Arun were marched into the room. I did not wish to see them and now, they would probably think the same of me.

"Did you know about this?" the commander asked curiously, still holding his aimed gun at me. I could feel their eyes bearing into my back but they did not reply. They didn't recognise me.

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