Chapter 9

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*Val POV*
Please don't be him. Please don't be-
"Valkyrie?..." That velvety voice whispered, lifting a skeletal hand to his hat and slowly pulling it off of his skull. I faced the wall, all colour lost from my face.
Please no.
I didn't reply, instead listened as the intercom in the elevator crackled to life.
"Now," Ghastly's voice cracked through, making me hiss, realising I'd been set up. "Your both trapped here until you sort this out! Your both our friends, so Sort. This. Out." He growled, the intercom shutting off. I banged the wall, before reaching for the door, failing to pry it open. I heard a sigh from behind, and I realised how selfish I was being. It had to be done though.
"Why are you running from me?" Skulduggery whispered, and I could imagine seeing his head tilt.
I ignored the question, and headed him sigh. I leant my forehead against the doors, willing the tears to stay away.
That didn't stop them.

Me and Mrs Jones, we got a thing going on

The song played through the speakers, and my shoulders sagged, thinking of all the times Skul had sung this song to me.
How much it meant to me.
To us.

We both know that it's wrong, but it's much to strong
To let it go now.
We meet everyday, at the same cafe...

He started humming it softly, and I ignored the urge to turn a round and confess, tell him everything that had happened and why I was doing this.

Six-thirty and no one knows she'll be there
Holding hands, making all kinds of plans...

He continued to hum it, and I sunk to the ground, huddling into myself.
And before I knew what I was doing, I was singing it softly as well, my voice blending in with his.

While the juke box plays our favourite song...

It took me a few seconds to realise that the camera had moved slightly, and we were being watched by the dead men. I glared at the camera, listening to Skuls voice.
He always had a beautiful voice.

Me and Mrs Jones-

And that was it.
I turned around, and lunged at him, hugging him as tightly as I could. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I was sobbing loudly, but he didn't seem to care, as he crushed me to his chest. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed, and he rubbed soothing circles into my back, before sighing. "What's going on Val?" He whispered, and I sagged, sniffling.
"They made me do it,..... It's all my fault! SHÌT!" I yelled, launching back, my face contorted into a worried state. "No, no no no!" I moaned, wiping my face. Skul leaned forward, whipping his hands to mine. "What's wrong!? Who made you do it?!" He asked, his voice quick and hushed. "I don't know! They threatened me and... And... Now there going to tell everyone about... You."
He froze.
I frowned, remembering we should be out by now.
I looked t the camera, and there was no movement.
What was going on?

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