Chapter 4 New Recruits

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Alex POV
After telling everyone about this letter I got, they're surprised and I could tell they don't know if I should do this. Though, they let me decide. A few moments I told them I'll join the ABTL. They wished me the best if luck and to come visit them.

I received a call that day by that organization to give them my answer, of course I did say yes after telling the foster caretakers and the others I'm going to do this. They said they'll pick me up within a few hours, so I need to get ready.

Chris POV
My mom and dad thought this plan would be both a good and bad decision. But I had to decide. Though, they told me that Alex is going to join, so did Jonathan and Toby when they recieved the messages through our house phone.

I decide to go with them. My mom and dad were sad to see me go, but wished me the best of the luck and my friends. I needed to make sure those guys try not to get themselves killed.

I got a call after our conversation from same people that want to recruit me. They were gonna pick me up in a few hours. Now I needed to get ready before they come.

Toby POV
We got a call from those people for our answer so me and John did say yes. We discussed it last night of how this was gonna go down.

Now we have to get ready because they are gonna pick us up soon in a few hours.

Third POV
Alex, Chris, John and Toby got picked up by people that are dressed in suits, though looked like they're CSI. There were 3 of them standing outside the car and the rest were in it. Alex and Chris bid their farewells to their loved ones. Though with Chris and his parents were a bit more emotional.

On their way, they've been asked a couple questions, such as what power they possess, their skills, their past experiences, and have they killed anyone. Though they never did kill anybody.

They all showed up at the same time and meet each other at an old warehouse. They're surprised to see each other about to join the Anti-Bio-Terrorist League.

Alex was the first to greet, "Guys. Wow. Didn't really expect for all of us to be here." They did their bro-like hand shake, then walked the rest of the way to the warehouse. Then Chris said, "Yeah man. My mom and dad told me you guys were gonna do this so I thought 'Hell. Why not join as well'. They chuckled at him. Toby was the next to speak, "Yeah. And lets be sure we have each other backs when we have missions." He was being serious about this and we all agreed.

They all stopped at the same time with 6 men in front them at the door. One of them did their security unlock process in order to let them in. After that, the doors opened and what revealed inside was men on balconies and on ground floor with weapons that they've never seen before. Assuming if has to do with any intruders that are Bio-Terrorists.

They all walked in. They're passing many guards that kept close eye on them if they did anything fishy. Alex, Chris, John, and Toby were a little intimidated, but kept a cool demeanor. They reached an elevator with another security process and opened. They all went inside and the elevator closed.

They're gonna have to wait for five minute to get to the main floor. It'll be a long wait for them. Alex decided to kill time by talking story.

"Hey guys?" Alex said. The others turned to him. "Remember that time when were at park and we slid down the hill with those cardboard boxes?"
John answered, "Yeah. I still remember when you tried to cheat and almost burned my ass." They chuckled and continued on with the story. John continued to say, "You said the rules were to not use your powers during that race. What a total lie that was you dick." Alex  replied, "Well I did lie about that, and you were going faster so I was desperate to win. The feeling just kicked in." Then he smirked. Chris said, "Aww don't give us that bullshit. You just did that because you wanted to be asshole for fun and chose to do a dick move on him. You even told me." They laughed. Then Toby said, "At least play fair next time Alex, otherwise we'll be the ones to burn your dumbass next time." "Hahaha. Alright alright I will, but you have to admit it was fun though." They chuckled and nodded. They continued with their conversations till they reach the main floor.

From what they saw was amazing. Their underground base was huge. It was like out of a secret spy movie. Their were many different areas that had training sessions with your powers and hand to hand combat. Plus, there were weapons involved and you get to have a choice of which one you choose. There are also some construction areas for some more places to train, work out, and to control your powers.

The guys were so caught up with the scene that they didn't realize the elevator stopped. "Come on, lets show you to you rooms." the agent said. They turned their attention to the man to what he said and followed him. And the rest of the other agents as well.

The hallways were pretty big. Metal walls and every hallway is circular. Also, there were others rooms too that are open and closed. They can see other conduits around talking to one another, walking down the halls, and some were looking at them seeing that they're new recruits.

They reached at the end of the hall and they see six rooms. One for each of them, but they didn't understand why there were. Well they just shrugged and didn't care. One of the men said, "If you're wondering why there are two extra rooms, usually we have certain squads, that have six members, have six rooms. But there are no policies of having members below six. Though, we can't have anymore pass that limit." The group understood. They went off to their separate rooms to check it out. There were passcodes to enter their rooms, so they did created their own and entered it. Once their rooms opened, they like what they see.

The rooms are the same, but their the size of a master bedroom in a nice house. A nice bed, with a television across from it, some game consoles, maps and a board to lay out plans for missions, a bathroom right at the end of the room, and weapons storage.

Alex's POV

'Wow. Didn't expect our rooms to be this.' I thought. "We'll be sending people down to see that you've arrived and discuss further details of the ABTL." the man behind me told. "Alright thank you." I said and nodded. He walked away and so did the others that were with us. I walked in further to check out my new room. It was very nice. I set my stuff down and laid on my bed. It was nice and soft and very comfortable. I sat up and thought, 'Hopefully me and the guys won't have much trouble when we're all in this.' I frowned at the thought.

I then hear a knock the door. I looked up and see a girl with blonde hair, her height looked 5'11 in. She's also wearing slightly baggy jeans, sneakers, a long sleeved grey shirt with a 'J' logo on it, and she looks like she's in her twenties. It looks like a uniform, but the girl looked really pretty. Though I realize that I left my door open.

"Hey come on. We have some details to fill you guys in. We'll let you know who I am after." she said and walked out my door. 'She seems kind of mean and little nice, I guess. Thought, she must bewith the people we need to see. that was fast.' I thought. Now its time for that meeting and see what we have to know about this place.

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