CHAPTER 2: Chris's Start

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Alex has a best friend named Christian Rogue, or calls him Chris for short. They've been best friends since they were 16 years old.

Alex was Chris' s mentor to teach him how to sustain his powers.

Chris controls Glass.

How he got this power was when he was assigned to do a school project for glass in his science group.

There were four, including him, people in the group. They all went to the one person's house, in the group, to work on the project. They used some equipment that is dangerous.

In example, they used chemicals for part of this project.

While they were working on it the second day, they didn't realize something was wrong. In just a matter of minutes, a big piece of glass explodes; some of the debris hit the others, but most of it hit Chris and knocked him unconscious.

He was taken to the hospital immediately with his science group and his parents.

By the way, he does still live with his mom and dad, even they know that he's a conduit and has a teacher.

However, within 24 hours with Chris unconscious, he finally woke up with his parents by his bed side. The parents had asked him some questions about what went wrong in the project.

After questioning with their son the parents wanted to tell him something that he might not want to hear, but  they waited for the doctor to show up.

When the doctor came, he told him that he has become a conduit. This made Chris brokedown in tears for what he just heard, while his mother comfort him by giving him a warm hug and his dad's hand on his back. Then a piece of glass shot out of his arm and it hit the doc's shoulder. Chris almost freaked out, but his mom kept him sane.

The doc was okay for what happened, he was kind enough to give Chris special meds for him to keep himself from harm.

A week later, parts of his home was patched up due to his uncontrollable power. Even his parents got hurt a bit, but they were still okay.

Weeks of being for what he is, he wanted to commit suicide, but decided against it. He's been suffering, until Alex came to him.

Chris seen this person before when he was helping lots of people. They've met in a park where Chris was sitting alone under a tree playing with his power in his hand.

Alex observed why he was alone and messing with his powers.

Chris and Alex talked for two hours and then Alex decides to train him how to keep everything in control. Through two years of training, it helped Chris a lot and wants to help Alex in what he's been doing. Alex approved of this and futher on, he also approved that Chris can go solo into helping people.

Things were kind of normal for Chris that now he can keep himself and his power controllable.

In present time, Chris just lie's down while texting people through his phone. 'Man, what can I do today. Alex is probably busy right now.' said in his mind, then he sighed.

A knock came at his door and some mail went through the mail slot in his door. When he picked up the mail, he sees an envelope for him. When he sat back down, he opened it and finds a letter and decides to read it. "Dear Chris, we've seen what you've been doing these years. I know this is strange, but we have an important request. We need you to join our organization called the Anti-Bio-Terrorist League or ABTL for short. We're dealing with some situations that needs your support. We appreciate if if you joins us, so you can use your knowledge and conduit powers to aid us. Thank you for reading this letter.
From Dr. Lymen (ABTL agent)"

'Shit. This may be a problem for me, my parents, even the others. I don't know if I should tell Alex to see if this may be a good idea.' He thought.

Will he decide to join or still be with his friend and family.

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