Chapter 13: Tests and Ties

Start from the beginning

"I didn't convince-"

She ignored him again. "And now," she growled, started off for her room. "I see that you and Mother Earth aren't so different after all. You both convince others that you're harmless, and then you attack them when they're most vulnerable." She turned back to him one last time. Her eyes darkened, as if the light in her eyes — even if it was anger — diminished. "You both manipulate."

And then she was gone, running away. Running away from him.

Renegade's checks burned, and he wandered back to the infirmary, realizing he had no room.

"Hello, Mr. Renegade," a friendly nurse said. "My name is Jennifer. But please, call me Jenny. I'll be testing you and giving you checkups for the next couple of days, just to see if you're healthy enough to be left unsupervised. Please, make yourself comfortable on the couch next to all the food. I placed a couple of books on the table nearby it, if you'd like to keep yourself occupied."


He stayed in the infirmary for days, switching off from the bland food, the dull books, and the standard medical tests.

Renegade spent most of his time on his hospital bed, his eyes looking blankly at the ceiling, pondering what he should do when he escaped the sick-bay prison.

On the fourth day of his imprisonment, they finally let him out.

Stay inside, they told him, and don't physically exert yourself.

He struggled to decide what he should do first, battling between going to the Council or visiting Adeline.

ADELINE! his brain screamed, and he trekked to where he suspected her room was, knocking loudly on her door.

"Lucia? Lucy? Is that you?" Adeline called out, mistaking him for someone else. He closed his eyes, imagining he sinking face when she would see him, preparing for his sinking heart.

"Renegade!" Renegade's eyes flickered to Addie's, and he smiled when he saw their brightening shine. She wasn't angry anymore. Just... surprised. "Come in." She shut the door behind him.

"Adeline, I'm sorry," Renegade said quietly, casting his eyes to the floor. He didn't really know what he was sorry for, but he figured that apologizing would be the fastest way of getting her back.

"No, Renegade, I'm sorry. I overreacted. I shouldn't have acted like that. My temper needs... work." She laughed. "Especially when I'm stressed out."

They stood in an awkward silence, Renegade interpreting what she said, Adeline seeming to realize it. "Adeline-" Renegade started to say.

"Don't call me that. If-"

"Then what would you like me to call you? Honey Buns? Sweetheart?" He smiled evilly. "Princess? I for to say, I'm leaning towards Princess..."

Adeline glared at him, but her eyes shone. "I was going to say Addie."

"Right then, Princess. Anything for Your Royal Highness."

"Stop!" she shrieked, but her angry voice wasn't genuine.

"Get in your nicest gown, Princess. We're going out for a stroll."

Adeline rolled her eyes. "Aye aye, Captain. Who knows, you could be the captain of our ship soon! And if I'm Princess, you've got to be Captain. It's only fair."

It was Renegade's turn to roll his eyes. "I like your nickname better. Maybe we should--" But she was gone. "Addie! Addie?" he called.

"Give me a second!" she cried. He relaxed. She came back to the room quickly, holding up two jackets. "You were serious about that walk, right?"

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