Chapter 10: Assigned Job

Start from the beginning

Gwen gasped. "I may not know where he is, but I know what happened to him. Kind of." Elyssa stared, wide eyed.

"When I tested, he was the one tasked on shooting Mother Earth, and I defended her. At first, it was all going to plan, but then he got mad at being manipulated by Mother Earth and dropped his weapon. Mother Earth was asking me for what I thought of his behavior, and I said that I disapproved it. Then, everything faded, and I was back in the original room." She said this all in one breath.

Elyssa, only able to understand Gwen's fast talking because she did the same when she was stressed, gasped. "Was he shot?"

"I don't know."

"Something bad happened to him, I can feel it. Please tell me he didn't get hurt, or worse, killed!" She tried to contact him with her telepathy.

Edmund? Edmund? Can you here me? Nothing. EDMUND! Please don't be dead! EDMUND! She wiped tears from her eyes. Please don't be dead...

"Come on, Elyssa. We have to go to the training room. They're assigning us jobs today," Gwen said, trying to take Elyssa's mind off Edmund. She grabbed her hand and dragged her down to the training room.

"Today," Noah yelled over the trainees' loud talking. "you will be receiving your jobs in our military based on your test. Please, come over to the west wall. It has all the results on it." He backed away swiftly, anticipating the area around him to start swarming with people.

Elyssa sprinted over to the results.

Elyssa Birkland:
Rank: Plebe
Assigned job: Spy
Instructor: Maria Rodriquez
Notes: Clever, fast, and small, fitting for a spy.

As far as she could see, there were several other jobs that were available.

-General Ground Soldier
-Bomb Specialist
-Ship Crew

She searched for Edmund's name. He was nowhere to be in sight.

Elyssa looked for Gwen's name. Doctor, the board read. She exhaled in relief.

Would Theo's name be on there? Elyssa scanned the results, but he too was exiled from the board.

She stared at it, searching for other names. Stephanie Meyers, Spy. Joshua Fitzergald, Pilot. Joe Carlson, Bomb Specialist. Aaron Cellie, Sniper. Liam Peterson, Ship Crew. Peter's real name was Liam? Why would he change it? She LIKED the name Liam. At any rate,  Elyssa hoped he was happy with his new assigned job, wherever he was.

"Trainees, trainees!" screamed a loud, booming voice. Garrison. "Come over here!" He waited for everyone to teem around him. "You may notice that not all the previous trainees are here with you,"  said Garrison once everyone was paying attention. "Half of them have been sent to the infirmary to heal, and the other half failed their test and were sent back to their previous home. I apologize for the inconvenience.

"On the contrary, those of you that have passed now have the honor of being called "plebes", the lowest rank of our military. Congratulations.

"As a plebe, you will began to learn how to achieve missions that your unit is assigned. However, you will not be receiving your first, personal mission until your sophomore year, when you are "yuck's".

"From now on, every instructor will still teach you, but your main instructor will have a longer time with you and will be more prioritized.

"Good luck, and have a great year!" The second he stopped talking, the room exploded with chatter.

"GO TO YOUR MAIN INSTRUCTOR, NOW!" Noah had to yell above the talking. "Classes start one hour from now, but it would be wise to go to them immediately to get settled and start learning the basics of how everything will work from now on. Have a great day!"

Elyssa shuffled lazily towards Ms. Rodriquez, as if she was in a dream. She missed Edmund. It was going to be a long year without him...


Hello, again! We still can't believe that this book is close to 1K reads... It's crazy isn't it? Thank you all so much, and we hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoy writing it!

Questions: How did Elyssa heal so fast from the bullet wound in the leg? Where is Theo? Will Ms. Rodriquez be a good teacher, or an evil, hateful one?

Read on to find out!


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