You Won't See Me

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"What brings you here?" Mrs Catcher asked me.

"Uh, I came with Ms Senneth actually." I told her. To my relief, she didn't ask questions. We talked and they said they'd see me again soon, which I hoped was true. I left the Annex building and went to the Main Street Building. It felt so good walking across that familiar sidewalk as a light breeze blew by me. Time to see my Language Arts teacher, and then finally my American History and Algebra 1 teacher.

I peered around the door to Ms Becc's classroom- she was the teacher who I'd asked Ms Senneth about. She was sat at her desk, typing away on her computer.

"Knock knock." I said nervously. She looked up from her typing, and Ms Becc's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Winona!" She got up from her desk and I got a hug from her too. We talked for about five minutes. Turns out, she was engaged to her boyfriend. She asked me how school was and again, I was told that I was hoped to be seen again soon.

I left and walked up the staircase, taking care not to let the big doors slam shut. Nearest on the hallway was the door to Mr Ozone's room. I nervously looked inside, but he wasn't there. He'd never really liked me anyway.

So finally was Mrs Ware's room. I looked inside, and she was talking to Mr Ozone.

"Mrs Ware?" I looked around the corner of the doorframe that I'd sat right inside of for so many years.


And that visit went like all the others. I truly felt home. Ms Ware told me that Ms Senneth had been by already and asked me to just go back to the strings classroom. I went to Mr Lancer's room, and there was not only Ms Senneth and himself, but Paul was there too.

"Ready to go, Winona?" He asked. I nodded. We said goodbye to Mr Lancer and piled into the car to go home.

Suddenly, Paul's cellphone began to ring (I found it touching when I heard that it was 'Here Today'). I began to him along, but I was interrupted by Paul's worried voice.

"Ivory, please! I can't understand you! Calm down, yes, that's it. Now, tell me slowly." He glanced over at Ms Senneth worriedly and I looked out the window, pretending to be in another world in which I couldn't hear. "A police man? They can't take her! We...we got papers done and everything..." I couldn't prevent myself from blanching, no matter how much I tried to force the words out of my head. There it is. Good things can't last forever, I guess...

Short, I know! Stopping this chapter here to continue. I'm ungrounded from break- hell yeah!!

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