Let's Go

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1 year and 8 months since Punta Cana...

Over the course of the next couple months, I've learned to move on with my life and not constantly worry about LVA. It made me realize how stupid it is to waste time for a piece of paper and let it ruin my last year of junior high.

"Happy Birthday!" Phoenix comes barging into my room in his ostrich onesie and a cookie cake. "Eat this." He shoves the cake and fork in my face.

I squint at the sunlight when he pulls back the curtains. "What day is it?"

"Saturday, April 9th aka your 13th birthday!" Phoenix announces. He opens up the windows and jumps on my bed. "Come on! We have to celebrate or else what's the point of today?" Phoenix is a big celebration kind of guy and makes a big deal on any National Something Day. 

I sit up in my bed and begin to eat the cookie cake. "Thanks." I smile at this wonderful start of my day. "So what do we have planned for today?" Phoenix always has a giant list of plans for birthdays so this one has to be good since I'm turning into a teenager.

He whips out a single sheet of paper and reads the list:

1) Bike riding

2) Bowling

3) Bake cupcakes and another cake

4) Eat with friends and family

5) Open presents

6) Go to double feature drive in theater

7) Sleep under the stars

"You do know," I began after getting through a bit of the list, "that we can't do everything on the list, right?" Of course it would be awesome to do all of this, but there's only so little time in a day. "Maybe we can save a couple of these for your birthday."

Phoenix heads to my closet and whips out a pair of legging and my favorite shirt that says "The End" in cool calligraphy writing I got from Urban Outfitters as a present from Aunt Opal. When Mom and I went to go shopping again, we walk out right away because we saw how expensive it is.

"I know," Phoenix admitted. "But it would be fun to do some of the stuff. I guess we can't sleep under the stars and we can't bake cupcakes and cookies and still have time to cook dinner and go bowling right after a bike ride."

I go around my rice paper room divider and begin to get undressed.

"It's okay, but we can go bike riding." I help Phoenix plan out the entire day while I get ready.

We ended up narrowing the list down:

1) Bike ride

2) Bake

3) Order pizza for friends and fam

Phoenix nods at the new and improved birthday list. "This works perfectly!"

I spit out my toothpaste into my sink. "Let's go on that bike ride."

Before we leave, Phoenix has to run home and change out his onesie because he fears of public humiliation if anyone from school saw him. When he comes out of his how in casual clothes we grab our bikes and begin to peddle to this trail where people go to run and bike. It goes through a forest all the way to the city. Though, we have to turn back around half way.

I retrieve my bike from the garage and meet Phoenix at the corner of our block.

"Ready?" He asked, strapping on his bike helmet.

"Ready." I reply.

Before I could start, Phoenix stops me and asks, "And your bike helmet?"

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