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8 Months Later...

¨Lilo, can you please come in here for a second!¨ The sound traveling from my dad's office to my room calls for me.

I answer that I'm coming and quickly close my math textbook. The front of the math book is a bright red with the subject name. Lately, all I've been doing is studying for my exams, but to be honest, it doesn't matter anymore because the school year is almost over. 

When I enter his study I take a seat in the green love seat. ¨What's wrong?¨ I asked, very rarely does my dad call for me. 

His office was full of a dark chestnut mahogany and a book shelf lined behind his desk. The bookshelf only contained family photos, books and lots of files. I felt like he lived here due to work keeping him busy. Though, I felt as if he liked his office at home. The peacefulness of the huge window that looked out into our garden with huge trees and flowers. The sound of the birds tweet is a sign that spring is bringing all the nature back to us. 

¨Come look at this,¨ Dad waved for me to walk on over to the other side of desk. He opens up a tab on his computer of a website the color blue. ¨This is the Las Vegas Academy, a charter high school of the arts.¨

¨Cool. So what about it?¨I asked as if it was nothing. Dad always showed me different violin techniques and talked about different music schools I would apply for violin, but they were always colleges, not high schools.

Dad clicks around the website to show me the audition requirements for orchestra. ¨Do you want to apply for it?¨ He looks me in the eyes as if I would know my answer right there and then. 

At that question I swear I didn't feel anything. Nothing in the world mattered right now, but this decision. This decision to apply for one of many auditions I have been accepted into. I look at the different requirements and think how I'm going to do all of this in just nine months. LVA looks like some school you should be breeding for as a fetus. 

Even though this was something I would need a lot of practice for, there was something in me that told I have to go. That aching feeling of wanting something so badly. The way the website invited you to come to school and really focus more on what you're passionate about. The photo gallery, the requirements, the student body and everyone there made me want to actually go to the school and experience it. 

¨Dad, you said it yourself, Las Vegas Academy of the Arts! We can't just move for some arts school.¨ I said, feeling the knife stabbing into my heart. 

There were a million reasons why I wanted to go, but only one keeping me from going. Dad. My dad sacrificed his dream for me and if I get accepted into this school that means we have to stress about a new house, moving truck money and new jobs. This whole thing is a too big of a change. 

Dad looks me straight in my browns ones with his grey-blue ones and says, ¨Forget about change right now, Lilo, think about your music dream. What is music telling you right now? Nothing in the world matters more to you and Wolfgang.¨

There was still a lot of pressure on this decision. ¨And what does mom think of this? Luca?¨ The feeling of stabbing my dreams like that in the heart hurts more than anything in the world. ¨We can't do all of this, it's too much. Go to bed, maybe you're just tired from work.¨

¨Shh, forget about Mom and my job for a second and ask yourself one question: do you want to go to LVA?¨

My lips press into a thin line but I couldn't keep my true answer shut, ¨More than anything in the world.¨

¨Very well,¨ The printer spits out the requirements.¨We'll make it happen.¨ 

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