Don't Be Violin Godzilla

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1 year since Punta Cana...

Violin music fills the basement as I play for Phoenix. I told him to wait for school to do in to the recording room, but he insisted in my beige colored walls in the freezing cold basement. Even though the cold air in the basement will make it sound out of tune and gross, he just wouldn't budge.

¨I'm not going to play for you,¨ I told him as we walked in through the back entrance of my house. "End of this discussion."

The homey smell wraps me up and when I kick my shoes in the mudroom. Mom was somewhere in the house doing some paperwork while Dad was at the office for once. Which is okay for me because I get to dance around the house with Phoenix like in the Tom Cruise movie Risky Business. 

First thing we did once we threw all our stuff on the ground, was head to my kitchen when food waits for us. Luca sits on a stool at the island and gives each of us a quick hello before dipping his nose back into some game on the iPad. 

¨Ugh, you're such a butt.¨ Phoenix rolled his eyes heading to the fridge. ¨A butt with no food. How rude.¨ Phoenix is our family dog, whatever we do eat, he does. The perks of having a best friend who loves to binge eat on everything. 

I walk over to one of our many cabinets and chuck a bag of Veggie Straws at him. He successfully catches them, takes the pink bag clipper thing and munches on them as we head downstairs to the basement. 

When we reach the cold carpet floor, I go over to the corner and set up my music stand. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but he won't stop bugging me if I don't. 

"I knew you'd give in." Phoenix smirked proudly, plopping down onto the old, black leather couch. "You just can't say no to this face." He give me his sexy male model look and I gag at the awful sight. 

"Hush." I shush him while tuning my Wolfgang. Once I was all set, I flip pages in my music binder till I land on Sonata No. 3. I tap my foot to give myself a tempo and begin to move my bow. 

¨That was amazing!¨ He complimented on what he calls ¨violin thang¨.  ¨I can't think of any reason they won't take you.¨ 

My index finger touches my chin and I list reasons, ¨My fingers fumbled on the last couple measures, shifting was sloppy, my bow is moving all willy nilly, I have no emotion and I can flunk the interview portion.¨ I set Wolfgang down in my case and take a seat next to Phoenix. ¨I will never get in.¨ 

Phoenix places his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face him. ¨I'm not giving up on you, Lilo. You're going to get into that school.¨ He thinks of my list and says, ¨Let me help you with that interview part. What do we have to do?¨

¨Write a handwritten letter-¨ I began 

¨You can't type it out?¨ Phoenix asked in such an absurd way. It was kind of odd how we couldn't type it out.


¨No one writes anymore.¨ Phoenix stated. He never liked handwritten things because he didn't have the best penmanship in the world, so he tries to type everything up. ¨It wastes paper, strains your hand and it's just a stupid punishment.¨ 

¨I know. I have to hand write a paragraph why I should be accepted into the Las Vegas Academy.¨ I groan in frustration. ¨I don't even know why I should be accepted.¨ Then I bury my face in his shoulder to hide from my problems. 

Phoenix thinks of rapid answers, ¨1) To prove your father worthy 2) you haven't thought of doing else for a living expect for violin 3) because music is an international language you want to be a part of 4)-¨

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