Episode 2: K-Pop Girl

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14 girls were selected. They had their meet with me, their host. Some of the girls struggled in the runaway challenge, but Rio impressed Melissa. But in the photoshoot, Rio didn't give her A-Game which brought her to very near bottom. Patricia got the best photo, but Ash and Ria's awkwardness made themselves in the bottom two.

Lady from Indonesia

Jam from Thailand

Hana from Cambodia

Ana from Vietnam

Patricia from Hongkong

Ria from Taiwan

Shaina from Philippines

Rio from South Korea

Karyle from China

Nicole from Japan

Elijah from Malaysia

Mickey from Singapore

Bea from India

Patricia is very happy for winning the photoshoot, while Elijah is thankful for giving a second chance.

"I'm nit going to waste this econd chance." Elijah.

When they saw Ash's letter, its roommates can't stop crying. They receives Amanda Mail for their upcoming challenge.


For 40 minutes, they practiced a korean dance called 'Nobody'. The other day, they performs a flash mob at the market. Three winners are announced.

Challenge Winner:




They went back at the model house, and its Jam's attitude who is being hate by the circle of friends Karyle, Rio, Nicole and Shaina.

"You know, she is very proud. I don't even know if she's washing dishes. Most of the time, me, Shaina, Karyle and Rio do the washing of dishes." Nicole.

"I don't think I'm being mean to anyone." Jam.


I calls Jam, Ana and Rio, who won the challenge. I told them this week's photoshoot is a group shot, and the three winners for last challenge will have a chance to choose their own group mates, two each.

Rio chooses Shaina and Karyle, Jam chooses Lady and Hana, while Ana chooses Ria and Patricia. The four girls who are not chosen separate a group.

First group to have their photoshoot includes Lady, Jam and Hana. Lady and Jam did well, but Hana still plays safe. Next group includes Ana, Patricia and Ria. Ana's photoshoot are not that bad, not that good at the same time. Patricia did well, but not like last week. Ria failed to portray as a korean singer. Third group are Shaina, Rio and Karyle. Shaina portrays as a korean singer. Rio didn't do well like yesterday. Karyle is constent for impressing Mike. Last group are Nicole, Elijah, Mickey and Bea. Bea is playing too safe. Mickey did an okay photoshoot. Nicole improves a lot and Elijah suddenly changes into new person.

"Looks like the Elijah I pictured last week is very different from this week." Mike.

At the model house, the girls prepares for the pamel of judging. Then, they got an Amanda Mail that another one girl will gp home today.

Panel of Judging

"Hello, Ladies. Another panel of Judging awaits you. To start, let me introduce you to our panel of judges. You model mentor, Melissa. Resident photographer, Mike. Asia's next top model cycle 3 winner, Gani."

First to evaluate is group one, Lady, Jam and Hana. They praises for working well as a group. But Hana is noted for being consistent in playing too safe. Next is group two, Ana, Patricia and Ria. Ana critics for playing too safe, while Ana is being praised by being a consistent one.

"But you don't have to be just consistent, but also to be the best of the best." Added Gani.

It's time for Shaina, Karyle and Rio. At last, Shaina got a good feedback. I told her that it's good to see her improves, but it's not enough if she really wanted to stay longer in the competition. Rio, again, failed to impress the judges. She's a korean, but still failed to look like a korean singer.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a newbie on here. I'm just 17, no experience to modeling, and I'm here to learn."

"But you don't need to excuse being young." Added Gani.

Rio cried, so I goes to her and hugs her. I whispers, it's okay, we experienced the same situation.

Karyle praises for being consistent. Last group includes Nicole, Elijah, Mickey and Bea. Nicole praises fir looking like a real korean singer. Elijah is being praised for transforming into another girl than last week. Mickey is praises for having an okay poses, but critics for playing safe. Bea's also on safe, but too safe.


We chose which group should be the best, then the best ahit we chose too. Then, we call back the girls.


"First, the winning group is group one. Yiur photos will be feautured in Sharper's Bazaar Philippines."

"The best shot goes too... Nicole."

"Runner-up is... Lady. Congratulations. You're still in a running to becoming the Girl on Top."



"Elijah. I'm happy to see you improves a lot. Congratulations. You're still here, and not in the bottom."

"Thank you!" Elijah.


"Hana. Get out from your comfort zone."



"Last girl safe, Ana."

"The remaining girls, please step forward. Three beautiful girls stand before me. But only two photos in my hands. The name whose name I do not call, she must go the model house, pack her things and immediately go home."

"Ria, you need too much instructions in-order to be a good model. But the problem is, you are not taking our advices. Rio, you are such a beautful girl. But we don't know how much you want this competition. Bea, you are safe. Congrats. Join the other girls."

"Ria, Rio. Whoever is safe tonight, I hope you will do your best to impress us next week. Is it the girl who failed to impress us, or the girl who plays too safe that cause to failed having an okay photoshoot."

"Rio, you're still in a running to be the girl on top."

"Riya, this isn't mean that you are not going to continue your journey. But I do hope you to continue."

We hug each other. She higs the other girls as well, most especially Patricia and Ana who seem to be her only friend in the house.

"I'm sad because I need to go home. But I know there is a purpose why do I need to go home. And well, I'm going to improve so I will have a chance to be in this competition again if I will have a chance to." Ria.

Next Week

Patricia and Ana saddened by Ria's elimination. They found a letter from her, and they got more emotianal. They got Amanda Mail which says they are going to have a Make-Over which makes some of the girls worries. At the photoshoot, Rio struggled to impress the judges again, while Shaina shone. See who will stay in a running as we search the Girl on Top.


Challenge Winner: Rio, Jam, Ana
Stand-Out: Nicole
Runner-Up: Lady
Bottom Three: Ria, Rio, Bea
Eliminated: Ria

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